Rye's 125L Tank

Im not in Canada haha, im in the UK o_O

Found some NICE rocks today. I chose slate, because there was plenty of choice about the shape of it. Took us about 45mins of getting filthy in the garden centre digging around in this massive pile of rocks until we found some nice ones (my boyfriend is awesome). Wanted to get some white sand, but at £7.99 for a 5kg bag, i decided against it, and spent £2.50 on another 15kg bag of playsand - same as what i used before.

My mother is furious about the whole situation - of course. I bought three more cory cats on Tuesday (my GOD they are cute!! they are babies and so tiny) which kicked up a huge fuss. I then said i was planning on buying the rocks today, and she hit the roof. Said she thought i was putting a hold on all that for a while - why? i have no idea. Now i have the rocks, shes refusing to let me do anything with them because she's positive my tank is going to shatter. Jeeeeeeeeeeeez!! she's hard work

Well, im working on it all tomorrow. She's leaving for work at 9am, and i will be there, syphon and fish nets in one hand, bucket in the other, just waiting for her to step foot out that door :fun:
Where'd she get the idea the tank would shatter from :S

The TPN+ probably won't last as long as you would like it too...

Tanks looking good :good:
Im not in Canada haha, im in the UK o_O

Found some NICE rocks today. I chose slate, because there was plenty of choice about the shape of it. Took us about 45mins of getting filthy in the garden centre digging around in this massive pile of rocks until we found some nice ones (my boyfriend is awesome). Wanted to get some white sand, but at £7.99 for a 5kg bag, i decided against it, and spent £2.50 on another 15kg bag of playsand - same as what i used before.

Sorry, I thought you were one of the few Canadians on here :lol: There was one though having a journal a while ago?

Good luck with the slate. Should look good... What cories did you buy?
Where'd she get the idea the tank would shatter from :S

The TPN+ probably won't last as long as you would like it too...

Tanks looking good :good:

She picked up one of the rocks and felt the weight of it. She hates the idea of this fish tank, so any way of getting me to not do any changes to it is a bonus to her.

The TPN+ just needs to last until i have some more money, lol!

Good luck with the slate. Should look good... What cories did you buy?

I just picked up two more bronze and one more albino cory, so overall i have 3 bronze and 2 albino. Will pick up another albino at a later date

Loads of pics to come tomorrow :)
YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! only took me four hours to completely strip my tank down and set it all back up again. Fish and inverts are completely fine aswell :D

some pictures:
Two baby cory's next to my old albino

the rocks we chose :)

Wanted to show you the Crypts. I haven't touched them since i moved them from my Biorb tank. Heres them in the biorb just after i bought them:

What some plant ferts and CO2 can do for you:

I got a plant in the plant pack i got a few months ago (think its a cabomba?), it was approx 20cms in length when i first got it. In the last pics posted on here you could see it was taking over the tank. So, here is a pic of it outside of the tank :/

going to see if half of it will survive outside and then prob sell the rest

A dusty looking picture of the tank - i'll probably get another one tomorrow


Any critique is welcome

Ive planted the vallis in the back left corner, and just behind the largest rock. I would have liked the pink-ish plant in the centre to have gone behind the large rock but i cant quite get my hand down inbetween to plant it.
I have some flame moss on order, which will cover the bogwood and part of the rocks.
I need to figure out what to do with the tree-like plant on the right.
Im wondering if i can chop the pink leafed stem plant in the centre in half and grow twice as much, not sure if it would survive though :lol:
The shrimp arrived this morning (Thank you!! :D )
My bottle of TPN+ arrived this morning too. Is it alright to dose daily? rather than weekly? my plants are used to being fed daily atm
I'd feed them daily, the pink ish plant in the middle looks like rotala so if you chop it in half and re-plant it should grow fine, mine reaches the surface after being cut in half in like two weeks and I use TPN+ too. Like the sword, I got one like that in my 32litre and it is too big for the tank now but I have no room for it in my larger tank lol.
I was sold it as a Crypt but i am starting to believe it is a sword lol.

clear tank shot today:


left to do:
move the java fern
get the centre plant to fill out
cover the bogwood in flame moss

ETA: as you can see, Jerry the Betta moved back in to the community :crazy: he decided that being on his own wasn't as fun and started shredding all his fins
Good Journal Rye! Tank is looking excellent.

Have you not considered covering the bottom with a carpet? Think that would be nice.

Good Job :good:

Your dog is gorgeous :wub:

Had a slight move around today. Looking at the stems on the Eustralis Stellata (atleast thats what i believe it is) was driving me insane, so i swapped it with the Vallis.

Talking about Vallis, the Vallis in my tank is flippin HUGE!!

that is 33 INCHES of pure Vallis leaves

I changed the background over from blue to black today, which Jerry isn't amused with (silly Betta doesn't like change). I also need to get another spray bar, because as you can see...

the circulation is rubbish. the spray bar only covers one half of the tank and currently my Co2 diffuser (an elite mini filter) is turning over the rest.. so i either need another external filter (cant afford the expense) or a longer spray bar.

There is still quite a bit of growing in that i want the tank to do, i also need to decide what i want to do with the large plants on the very left and right (cant for the life of me remember what they are called, i'll edit this when i do lol), and find some carpet plants :)

full tank shot for you all:


excuse the breeder trap, its got my fry living in it :lol:
bloody heck that has really come on! That looks really really good!
Wow, really what a growth! Are you dosing daily? Plus you have the CO2 on? Looks like it is worth the effort of that all... Rye, your tank looks so much better than before! Have you already decided on the shoaling fish you are going to put in?
yeah, im dosing 5ml's of TPN+ daily - not sure if it is overkill or what but meh, it works. DIY Co2 is in place aswell, although i am starting to get some algae issues, but i don't know if circulation is a factor in all this aswell. I've just managed to get myself onto a regieme with the changing of yeast bottles so hopefully it will make a difference.

I took my neon's out today for quarantine as another one died on me this afternoon. She was fine until yesterday. I cleaned the filter and noticed she wasn't swimming right and looked a little bloated. Ended up euthanising her this afternoon because she looked terrible. Thats the third one since i got the tank.
Still haven't decided on what fish i want. With the background being black now i want something thats vivid and going to stand out. I have my driving test in 12 days so if i pass i am going to go driving around the LFS' in the area and check out what stock they've got in before i decide and pick up the carpet plants :)
One of my rats is sick and ive just spent £40 on vet bills the past three days (he still has to go back next week too) so funds may not allow me to buy any yet :(

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