Rummy Nose Tetras

Well the rummy nose own the tank haha! They shoal with the corys!! So funny, ill have to up their gang soon! :)
I have 6 rummynose, they all shoal very tightly together from one side of the tank to the other, very funny to watch. They keep themselves to themselves, i have never seen any sort of fin nipping or aggression. They are quite pale in the morning until the lights come on, then they have really vivid red heads. They are quite sensitive to nitrates. They can get grey burn marks on their sides. I'm hoping to get a few more! love them
Yeah one of mine has a pink, rather than red head when the lights come on, but after a short while both their faces are RED! Id never took a fancy to them when id seen them in the lfs, but you know what i absolouty adore them, i have rudolph and macdonald haha, a weirdo that names my fish! :rofl:
in the lfs where i got my rummy noses he had a massive set up with discus, cory and 100 rummy was amazing!!! it was bogwood and moss type set up, lots of plants, i seriously want that tank!!
My aquarium is 4x2x2 fully planted with 6 Discus, Rummy nose, Cardinals, lots of different Corys, Apistogrammas and a pair of Bristlenose
It as a CO2 system on as well
2 Eheim external filters and a Eheim aquaball internal filter
All water changes or done through a HMA filter
The photo at the side is one of my Tiger Turk Discus
I know how you feel because I dont really have any room for a big fish tank so I had to make some space on the sideboard and get a 36l lifespace aquarium!
i could throw the sofa out and have a 6ft tank :good: not sure the kids n hubby would appriciate that though...ive got a tank in the kitchen(25lts) was going to be a betta tank but now houses a rescued goldie!! :sad: and i have the "main" tank in the living room 75L..well its a 80L but only holds 75L after the deco and gravel....

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