Aqua Tom
Fish Gatherer
It is under warrenty, take it back to the shop & if they give your grief say it is not fit for purpose & threaten them with legal action. You have the right to expect somthing bought new to last at least a year.
I got it from seapets not too long ago,ill email them but wont they want me to send it off for inspection and prob say it was my fault it broke,if it was a lfs it would be easier but ill c what they say.
If your purchase is under a year old your contract will still be with seapets and not fluval, i'm sure they will honour you with a replacement. Regarding refund you will have to look at there T&C.I got it from seapets not too long ago,ill email them but wont they want me to send it off for inspection and prob say it was my fault it broke,if it was a lfs it would be easier but ill c what they say.
I got it from seapets not too long ago,ill email them but wont they want me to send it off for inspection and prob say it was my fault it broke,if it was a lfs it would be easier but ill c what they say.
Email them back & say it is "not fit for purpose" & ask for money back, if they want to look at it ask for them to send a courier to collect it. If they dont want to play ball then you have every right to take it further.
Just because they are an online company does not mean they can get away with this, your rights are the same wherever you bought it from.