River Reef 94L Let The Fun Begin

well done water change and i tock my 2 rear pumps out to check them and both the filters where clocked with cheato so this may of reduced the flow in tank and slso moved few of the corals but still not happy where they are lol

heres few pics before the water change of the corals and algee










thanks fishy hopefully gettin few more next week but im thinkin about removein everything and redoin the LR as need few more places to stick corals and only got the very top of tank left and not to sure if anything i got will like ot up there

also need someone to ID this worm thing my otherhalf found today not best pic but its white/pink i think and long lol


That would appear to be a bristle worm or a fire worm, both are good parts of your CuC, though fire worms can have a painful sting if you touch them. Great corals BTW.
thats ok then was gettin worryed lol and thanks i still think i need few more corals yet and would like a few more cuc

i no its to do with flow i have 2 1200 maxi jets in rear and the new 1600 nano facein surface i thought this would be plenty i think its only since i put the duck outlet on bottom pump as it was blowin all my sand away in cornet so dunno what else i can do ?

We all have problems with cyano at some point :sad:

Cyano is a bacteria that feeds off nitrate gas, it will starve if no gas - gas cant be produced in an oxygen rich environment, so the only real way to improve matters is: ensure good oxygen levels by having good flow to the area :blink:

How about trying to move the nano down a bit? Also, use a turkey baster (what do you mean, you havent got a turkey baster :p) to blow the cyano off the rock, collect it and throw away :sick: its slimy <shudder>
Well bit dead on here this week lol well do to the cyano and startin to run out of room for new corals i booked myself 2 days off as it was my birthday yesterday and today stripped the tank back doen removein fish and LR and corral

Started off by cleaning off the rest of the glass that had the coraline on and finaly got it all off nexy i cleaned off the LR that had the cyano on thrn started to work out what i wanted where as wanted more room for flow and to place corals later on and wanted to keep some of the sand bed clear i had 2 main bits of rock that are BIG so had them as my base at rear at sides then had 2 bits which have coral growin on them, one has my mushrooms and my bigger Xenia on it the other has green star poly so placed them at front 1 ether side and also while removein my LR i found my missing Blue mushroom But it fell of the rock again and has gone back round he back of LR and i now cant get it out lol bt i can see it :)

Anyway rest of LR has now corals geowin as other frags are on small LR so i can add them after so i place 75% of the rock back in and after a hour of tryin diff things found a style i liked (pics to follow) but i still have about 3/4 biggish bits and 1 mid size and 2 small bist of rock left so ive taken them to my LFS whos a friendly chap and has stuck them in a tank that he didnt have any rock in for now and if he sells them ill get the money or if i want them back there mine so saved me binnin it lol

Anyway flow seems alot better and stuck my old nano wavemaker back on for now but goin to get a new one as its bigger and noisey then the new one i got last week will get pics up tomorrow once hopfully corals are happy again and tank has cleared
FTS today outside of glass needs a good clean steffie whats best ? lol

That aquascape looks really nice - I like it alot :good:

I just use dettol wipes and kitchen paper towels for the outside

Seffie x

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