Fish Crazy
morning steffie
do u think i need 2 korallia on the tank ? the 1 thats on there is a 1500 model but the box type box is alreadt gettin on my wick lol it fell over last night and blew all the sand in left back corner away till there none left and clouded the tank so ive now got that out lol
ive got a small light for some cheato off ebay last week
just want to replace all filter stuff for new there 4 bags of lr 3 bags of what i think is caron pellets ? small black balls and 4 bags of white power stuff not sure what this is and some wirewool stuff cant rememebr right name lol
now had problem with chambers and pumps but think ive sorted that now apart from fact that bottom rear return pump has now blown all sand from front right of tank away so there a old 50p size bit where i can se the bottom of tank ?? and has blown sand about 3 inch deep to front of tank lol
Less the 24 hours and some good and some bad lol
do u think i need 2 korallia on the tank ? the 1 thats on there is a 1500 model but the box type box is alreadt gettin on my wick lol it fell over last night and blew all the sand in left back corner away till there none left and clouded the tank so ive now got that out lol
ive got a small light for some cheato off ebay last week
now had problem with chambers and pumps but think ive sorted that now apart from fact that bottom rear return pump has now blown all sand from front right of tank away so there a old 50p size bit where i can se the bottom of tank ?? and has blown sand about 3 inch deep to front of tank lol
Less the 24 hours and some good and some bad lol