River Reef 94L Let The Fun Begin

lol yes new frags will get few pics in abit just stuck them in tank last night as it was late so not placed them or anything lol

seffie whats best way to clean my quarantine tank it looks like it was used for marine im removin all the old media thats in there its mainly sponges but came with lights pump stand tank heater hood all for 50 quid i think its only about 30-40L tho but for my 2 clowns 1 clearner shrimp and hermits and what ever snails i find it will do for a month while i redo and start frsh with the river reef
white vinagar and what to wipe just a new clean cloth/sponge ? theres no algae just dirt/mess mainly in rear chambers ill upload a pic or 2 on 5 mins

just moved a few of my frags as my urchin had one on its head ! and its twice the size of him lol and now there all sucking but movin them again tomorrow as doin water change
ok so i think tank is about 25-30L so will this be ok as s quarantine/temp home lol ?





ok so i cleaned what i could out with just water but i think it had ether trop or gold fish as there was gravel on rear then filled with water to make syre it didnt leak and then turned everything on and good news is no leaks and everything is workin :) so stuck some vinagar in and will leave over night then empty and clean by hand inside still dont think its to small for what i need and once ive done my RR restart and fish are back in there full time home ill use this as QT for any new fish corals cuc

how long does a fresh cycle of a tank take ? i will have fresh sand even tho it says no need for a cycle lol some of my LR from main tank New filter media is there anything else i need to stick in there
You wont get a cycle Tony, as everything is just being moved from one tank to the other - you may get a diatom bloom because of the silicates in the new sand, but that will quickly be cleared up by your cuc :good:
ill be usein fresh water and new media and sand tho seffie so wont that need to bed in for a week or so ?

fishy pics are being uploadad as i type :)
few quick pics of the new frags i got friday



all my mush now on one rock






my urchin had this on top of him 3 bloody times !!

Very nice, I really like the pink zoas, so where did they come from?

Live rock from your tank, new sand and media (assuming you mean phos/nitrate remover) should not put you into a new cycle. You should be able to move the livestock in as soon as the sand storm calms down.

However, if you are adding rock from somewhere else, you are likely to get a cycle
what about the water as that will be all fresh ro salted ? yes it be fresh phos/nitrate remover and some carbon and filter floss ill prob only have 1/2 bits of rock in there as it not that big of a tank and few little bits

ive wahed it out in water with vinager then filled with water and vinagar running over night then changed to just water this morning then goin to lfs soon for RO water and will run and clean out with this should that be ok after that to start setting tank up ?

and they all came from ABBS of ERC seffie :)

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