Ric The Redneck Has Been To The Red Sea...

Welcome back Ric, wondered where you'd slothed off to.
Great Pics M8
just a week, not long enough though. ive never seen so many sohals ever that was like the most common fish there.went scuba diving aswell but seeing as though it was my first time i figured not to take the camera...
Wow, I'm totally jealous. The Red Sea is way up on the top of my list of places to dive
Nice man, im hoping to dive red sea next yer... This year went to antigua took 60 shots of corals trumpet fish triggers etc and lost them all when i exposed the film to light DOH :blush:
yes it was awesome we went to marsa alam which is further south than the main destinations. but soon will be very popular. its not long since the airport was built there so still not too many tourists but driving though the area there has been a hell of a lot of money invested there with huge hotel complexes popping up everywhere, im talking for every 1 finished hotel there is like 20 being built. so wont be long till its over populated with tourists and divers alike which is kinda of a shame but still an awesome place and i'd suggest it to anyone wishing to dive some where un tainted.

any hows ive just uploaded some fotos to my facebook profile these are just really the best ones, well the ones i liked the best anyways, feel free to browse and/or add me as a friend. i would be nice to put some faces to some names aswell... or just ignore me lol


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