why on earth would yo want that?
what happens when a high rep poster, makes an incorrect post. and is corrected by someone with little or none? we all know what happens. the high rep posters info over rules the correct advice. and another (rubbish) shopkeeping wives tale begins.
not that helpful really? apart from for the high Rep posters ego.
and how do you deal with the fact we have post here, heart felt I'm sure, that are totally incorrect. what's to stop those who, know no better/like the poster, from giving rep point? so we get the same result as above.
its the readers responsibility to ensure the advice given is correct. or at least makes sense. and no amount of golds "REP" stars beside the poster name, will change that.
any information offered. should be taken as a start to you own research. anyone who follows "blindly" advice here. to a large extent, deserves the result.
I'm a member of several, (disparate) subject specific forums.
despite posting there, as i do here.
I have high rep.
thing is though, most of us have.
there is a culture of giving Rep to posters (almost as a matter of course)
which, ultimately, make the whole thing useless
I know this all seem a bit negative, that's because it is.
it, usually, ends up. either useless, or counter productive, for the forum as a whole.
and do we all, really, want to see "if you liked my post, or it was helpful, please click the Rep icon" after every post. because, for very many, that's how it will go.
but there is one thing good about giving Rep points................................................................ Oops, no sorry, it's gone.
as a compromise. who about a "Thanks" button? but then, would you not need a "No Thanks" button too? surly rubbish posts should be flagged too. perhaps even so more then the good ones.
sorry to those who posted before me. I read the post from the email. i forgot to read the thread. just replied to the OP. sorry

I guess I'm due negative Rep points for this.