Redstratplayer's 20g Journel

Lol killer rocks

I go snorkeling and free diving a lot and last year i was bit by a 6ft stripebass (these things are evil!) Nasty scar looks like a shark bite.

"Welll lucky you, so is that were you get your money from then, because looking at some of your equipment, got some steep costs."

Yes lucky me. =]. But thats not were i get my money from. Even when my parents pay for somthing i still have to work for it.I HATE spoild brat kids who get evry thing they want i just ticks me of.

Ya killer rocks, who knows. Ouch sounds like you've had some mishaps.

I hate those too, there's a lot by me too, there parents pay for everything, got to wonder how their going to do when there parents aren't there for them.

Anything new happening, did you get the tank back?
Got the tank back to day

The hole fits a 1 1/4 inch bulkhead




And an idea for what will go next to the tank later on when it is done. ( Dam you MTS!!!)
Margarita man on RC
I am thinking of getting "The Package" from Tampa Bay Saltwater
For my size tank it comes with 40lbs Lr about 45% of this is water ( It is is only out of water for about 10minutes before it is packed in 5g buckets with water and shipped )This rock is so fresh that fish are normal hitchhikers
20lbs sand that comes in 5g buckets and is packed with water.

20 blue leg hermits

10 Astrea Snails

2 Tiger Tails Cucumbers

1 Serpent or Brittle Star

1 Peppermint Shrimp

$325 with S/H

It is shipped as two parts the first one with base rock and sand then to weeks later the nice stuff and Cuc

This Live rock is nicer than any rock that the UK gets or any other place in the US. EDit: I stand corrected Its better than most places in the UK or US.
What do you guys think??
$325 plus S/H or $325 including S/H?

The TBSW rock is good rock but I wouldn't call it the "best" available here in the states. Unfortunately its hard to find really good rock. The Hawiian rock from liveaquaria is one of the best rocks available online, but IMO the "best" rock is trans-shipped directly from Sulawesi un-cured. Usually only your LFS can get that hookup for you, but its fantastic rock. My LFS just started getting that type in and its AMAZING compared to what I've seen elsewhere. Not necessarily as purple as UK rock, but teeming with invert life, calcerous algaes, macroalgaes, sponges, tunicates, etc.

All that being said, the TBSW deal is not a bad deal if the cost Includes S/H its a pretty good value. Depends, do you want the BEST, or a good value?
Thats including S and H
I think i will go with TBS.
The shipping in water is really nice and i like all of the sponge and macro growth.

Now i just need to get my parents to go along with $325 for rocks and sand lol

If ski says Sulawesi un-cured is best than it must be but the only thing my lfs gets in is that So called "Live Rock" that has bin out of water for 5 weeks and just got put in the LR display case and sold as "super duper mega awsome Cured Fiji gold grade Live Rock" for $15/LB.
So out of curiosity IF you get your parents to let you get that, where's the money coming from, I mean if you have ideas on how to get 300+$ please let me know :nod:

Good luck with getting the stuff
Lunch money from the last two years. (I don’t eat school lunch I just save the money)
Last year I collected fish bait (minows, butterfish, and killys) and sold it (made a lot of money of this)
Yard work (Shoveling snow, raking leaves, mowing lawns.)

Some of my friends buy gum and soda wholesale and sell it at a high mark up at school to make money but I just don’t think its worth it to chance getting caught.

I have lots of ideas but i dont have the time for all of them and the ones i do are more for fun than profit lol
O well jeez, I hate school food and my mom won't buy school lunches for me anyways, and I can't collect that stuff. I make seasonal money reffing soccer, make 40-100$ a weekend depending on how many games I can get but it's seasonal so is lawn mowing and shoveling and yardwork, so I guess you won't be getting it then for a couple months. I do hope to get a job at my lfs this summer though to have a steady income

Did you ask your parents yet?
Asked my mom and she says yes if i pay for it.
But my dad is still tying to get his head around my original price of $100 for Live Rock so to now tell him i want to spend $300 on rocks he may just kill me. lol
I don't know how you do it, but I give my dad deposits of 100$ to put in a account online for college, and after I give him one of those he's much more reasonable to talk to about spending 100$ on equipment for my tank. :good:
I got the Lexan for my sump and cut it today.

I also got the lexan for the overflow. I carved a V out of the lexan and used my heat gun to bend it into a seamless overflow box.

The sump and overflow

Seamless overflow box

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