Any ideas how long until next lot will be ready?
To be fair I really didnt bargain for this level of demand.....!
looking at the reserve list you are 2nd in line for a batch - I now have another 9 postings reserved - but Im taking 12 Malawi fry this evening in exchange for shrimp and I also need to courier another 100 to a shop in the Midlands. If I am to get your order out quickly (and others) I need to hang fire for approx 4 weeks in order to replenish my stock. I am setting up another 4 shrimp tanks in my fish-house at the weekend in order to expand the operation. Rest assured that I have you on the list and I promise to contact you - and the others - when Im in a position to mail some more out.
Kind regards
4-6 Weeks is fine... was just wondering as I didnt want you to send them and me to go into labour at the same time. hopefully baby will be out in 2-3 weeks