Rebirth (Na Style)

Looking good mate, very healthy and lush. Sorry to hear about the Choc's, I must have cursed it asking you the other week. I put a black bin liner over the tops of mine at lights out to stop my jumpers, more shrimp than anything but the shrimp in the 60 are such a vivid red (don't think you can grade RCS but these have red antennae and legs too lol) I don't wanna loose anymore lol.
Thanks Steve, i have heard that a fair few cherries that have been imported are being sold as cherries, but are actually fire red shrimp.
Is that bad? I'm not sure whether they are or not lol, you'll have to take a look if you do come down after crimbo. :good:
Looking uber healthy as always mate.

Hows the blyxa and staury getting on?... both looking very healthy but not much growth going be previous pics?, the moss on the other hand is spreading really well :good:.
cheers Kyleb, that on the left is Aponogeton crispus red and green. :good:
I thought so, I have 2 crispus green but the leaves are a lighter green and have more of a translucent look to them than yours. Looking very healthy.
This is looking beautiful, Ian. Are you going to replace the lost chocolates?
Thanks llj,

I'm not sure about the chocs, i have to do a 100 mile round trip to get them. I might have to give the LFS a ring and see if they have any in.
just took a quick vid, i have added a few more green viewed in 720p on YouTube.

Just read the whole journal Ian. In the beginning I thought: what a pity he is doing the same thing as in his corner tank. He should be using the length of this tank more. Now that you have added more plants though and are extending your 'island' I really like it. Wouldn't mind if you fill out both back corners completely.
@ Jake...cheers mate, there's 20 green neons. I have had no suicides from the neons yet.

@Lu...I also thought that it looked similar to the corner, so i have tried to take it that step further. Hopefully the corners will fill out.
You could always tie it in with a visit to mine... wink wink nudge nudge... ;) :hey:

Tanks looking well, the moss is coming on a treat... as is mine :lol:
@ Jake...cheers mate, there's 20 green neons. I have had no suicides from the neons yet.

Excellent mate, fingers crossed there wont be any :good:.... any plans to add anymore?... or something else in there.

BTW how are them red nosed? shrimp getting on?
I'm not sure what to do yet, i might get some more chocs, i really don't know...

as for the rednoses there is about 5 left, they have coloured up brilliantly though, i shall try and get some more pics

Happy crimbooooo

Oooooooo, I like the video, but where's the techno music? And the video was entirely too straight. Get back on the CO2, Ian!


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