I'm a girl.
My rarest fish is probably my platinum senegalus.
I also had a sturgeon catfish (see signature) for a while, but had to give it away since it got too big for my tank (damn whiskers!).
Other weirdos and hard-to-find species:
6 x Geophagus sp. "Red Head" Tapajos (took me over a year to find a group of youngsters)
1 x Coius microlepis --- tiger dat
1 x Flagtail Prochilodus
1 x Rhinodoras sp.
1 x Polypterus ornatipinnis (hard to find around here)
The last fish I would classify as rare would be my catfish in the 125gl that no one has been able to identify. I've had him since last October and there still isn't a definite ID. (here is the old thread I originally posted pics on: catfish)

I also had a sturgeon catfish (see signature) for a while, but had to give it away since it got too big for my tank (damn whiskers!).
Other weirdos and hard-to-find species:
6 x Geophagus sp. "Red Head" Tapajos (took me over a year to find a group of youngsters)
1 x Coius microlepis --- tiger dat
1 x Flagtail Prochilodus
1 x Rhinodoras sp.
1 x Polypterus ornatipinnis (hard to find around here)
The last fish I would classify as rare would be my catfish in the 125gl that no one has been able to identify. I've had him since last October and there still isn't a definite ID. (here is the old thread I originally posted pics on: catfish)