Ranger's Tank Journal

How do you accurately change the sg in your tank? I haven't been able to think of a good way to do this. What I have come up with is basically to measure the tanks sg and then just add straight RO water into it until it lowers or on the other side of things add normal saltwater until the sg adjusts. I would appreciate any input on this cuz im kindof beffuddled at the moment.

Thats all I do Ranger. To be fair my sg is never too far out anyway. As long as you check it regularly and keep on top of any evaporation it should never be a problem you have to deal with :D
Thats all I do Ranger. To be fair my sg is never too far out anyway. As long as you check it regularly and keep on top of any evaporation it should never be a problem you have to deal with :D

Well it makes sense to me that if you just add 1.026 sg water to ur tank water that ur sg would rise cuz of evaporation, right?
Now that I don't know exactly. I do know that in my tank removing 10% of saltwater and replacing it with RO water will lower my sg by 0.002 points.
Now that I don't know exactly. I do know that in my tank removing 10% of saltwater and replacing it with RO water will lower my sg by 0.002 points.

Well lets see here... If I add 'X' amount of salt to 1 gallon of RO water I will get 'Y' sg. So therefore if I figure out how much salt per 1 gallon is needed to change say... 0.002, I just manipulate the independent variables... correct?\

EDIT: 200th post by the way. I'm a Fishaholic!
I'm going to be a spelling snob...

Correct Rager
-Correct Ranger*

Ranger's Tank Jornel
-Ranger's Tank Journal*

LOL, I used to hate being those things. There all so dam tacky and I just had to post random shyt just to get up to where I can change it. Fish Crazy was the worst :-(
I'm going to be a spelling snob...

Correct Rager
-Correct Ranger*

Ranger's Tank Jornel
-Ranger's Tank Journal*

LOL, I used to hate being those things. There all so dam tacky and I just had to post random shyt just to get up to where I can change it. Fish Crazy was the worst :-(

Where does it say "Ranger's Tank Jornel"?
Here's my latest water stats:

Temp: 80 F

Sg: 1.025

pH: 8.0 (A little low?)

Ammonia: In between .25 and .50ppm (closer to .25 color mark)

Nitrite: 0ppm

Nitrate: Betwen 10 and 20ppm (time for water change?)

Calcium: 310ppm

Alkalinity: 14.7dKH

I just got the Calcium and alk tests today so its possible taht I may have messed up. I can't be sure but my LR seems to be losing some of its color and turning white. I read in a diff. post that that could be caused by poor Calium/Alk, which if according to the directions I think i have... How can I fix this?
It says Journal on my screen...

EDIT: Since a new page came up...

Here's my latest water stats:

Temp: 80 F

Sg: 1.025

pH: 8.0 (A little low?)

Ammonia: In between .25 and .50ppm (closer to .25 color mark)

Nitrite: 0ppm

Nitrate: Betwen 10 and 20ppm (time for water change?)

Calcium: 310ppm

Alkalinity: 14.7dKH

I just got the Calcium and alk tests today so its possible taht I may have messed up. I can't be sure but my LR seems to be losing some of its color and turning white. I read in a diff. post that that could be caused by poor Calium/Alk, which if according to the directions I think i have... How can I fix this?
Do you have your lights on? 14.7dKH is HIGH for alkalinity, might want to read the instructions again and try that one over. I dont believe its possible to have an alk that high and a pH that low ;). The whitening could be a lot of things to be honest. Your calc is a little low, but I'd wait on trying to fix that as calcium tends to be able to correct itself if the alkalinity is really high, patience, your tank is still pretty new :). Hows the skimmer doing?
Do you have your lights on? 14.7dKH is HIGH for alkalinity, might want to read the instructions again and try that one over. I dont believe its possible to have an alk that high and a pH that low ;). The whitening could be a lot of things to be honest. Your calc is a little low, but I'd wait on trying to fix that as calcium tends to be able to correct itself if the alkalinity is really high, patience, your tank is still pretty new :). Hows the skimmer doing?

Haha, the instructions for the alk were REALLY confusing. I had to take this plastic uh... needle thing(you know like the thing u get shots with, but its plastic) and drop some stuff into some other stuff and measure how much stuff was left in the needle and then compare it too a chart when the liquid turned pink... haha. I'll do it over.

As for the whitening, I'm not 100% sure about it. But ever since reading that post I've become paranoid and everytime I see my tank im like "OMG was that white spot there before? What about that one?"

Skimmer is doing great. It's slowed down a bit after pulling alot of gunk out of the water, im thinking about running it a little more wet. 0 Microbubbles in the tank.

Also, for my hermit crab hitchikers, how can I identify what kind they are?
Ah the Salifert kit, its a titration and by far and away the most accurate if done properly. Great choice :good:

As for the hermits, describe their coloration?
Ah the Salifert kit, its a titration and by far and away the most accurate if done properly. Great choice :good:

As for the hermits, describe their coloration?
Titration? And yeah the LFS employee told me it was one of the best. And I had to resist the urge to buy the conscientious marine aquarist(major spelling errors I know) because its on my christmas list.

Hermit coloration... they are tiny so its hard to tell... and all I can see is the legs (which makes sense...) and they are brown/dark brown and white at the joints.

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