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Did you guys every think maybe he ACTUALLY likes the song and wanted to ADVERTISE it so you all could ADORE it as well? Not saying you have to like the song but think of others as you say what you say.

(Btw I havent heard the song and dont want to because I'm not a big fan of that genre)
The other day, I was scooping out a serving of whole bean coffee out of a new bag of coffee. A small live cockroach jumped out and boy was he fast - probably due to the caffeine in coffee :lol: . But I caught the bugger. He won't be eating any more coffee.
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The other day, I was scooping out a serving of whole bean Dunkin coffee out of the bag. A small live cockroach jumped out and boy was he fast - probably due to the caffeine in coffee :lol: . But I caught the bugger. He won't be eating any more coffee.
wait what. Was the coffee brand new?
It was from a new bag of whole bean coffee..freshly opened. I go through a bag of coffee every two weeks...first time finding a cockroach. It was a very small cockroach. (I have no cockroaches in my home).
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