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During this pandemic and all the lock downs I got depressed and called the suicide hotline. I must have gotten the wrong number because I put on hold. Then I was transferred to a number in Pakistan. When I told them I was depressed and might commit suicide they got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck...... :hatchetchase:
Firstly; think about it, we’re all friends here and we’re here for you if you have any mental advised as I have had the worse Ocd ever back when I was 11.

And secondly; why were they got excited? And how do you know it’s a “they”?
'They' is often used for a single person where the gender isn't known. It's easier than saying 'he or she' all the time.
I don't think people sell them, they are encountered while swimming. My son's ex-girlfriend developed bladder problems after scuba diving in Jamaica and had to be checked out to see if it was one of the types of fish that do this.
I don't think people sell them, they are encountered while swimming. My son's ex-girlfriend developed bladder problems after scuba diving in Jamaica and had to be checked out to see if it was one of the types of fish that do this.
oh no scary. imma stop talking about this...
I've come to the conclusion that I no longer want to live on this planet. Does anyone have Elon Musk's number? Just give me 5 minutes to grab each of our bug out bags and we'll be ready to go.
I've come to the conclusion that I no longer want to live on this planet. Does anyone have Elon Musk's number? Just give me 5 minutes to grab each of our bug out bags and we'll be ready to go.
and spray it with catfish spray
Just read a book today;
There’s a weird fish from amazon go by the names of canburu fish or something and they can go into human’s urethra too and I think it’s in the loaches families?

Is this just a myth? @Colin_T @Fishmanic
Candiru are small skinny catfish that are attracted to ammonia, and have been known to swim into people's urethras and stick their pectoral spines out sideways so they can't be removed without surgery.

It's always a good idea to wear underpants with good elastic if you swim in the Amazon or any of its tributaries. Also, don't pee in the water because that attracts them.

Welp, enough of “kid friendly” science magazine for today :unsure:
LOL :)

We’re stuck in our home again after we have 67 Covid deaths.

I really want to buy this “Bleher’s biotope” really interesting book but....€200 per book is too expensive don’t you think?
I thought there hadn't been any cases or deaths from covid in Thailand. Are these new cases?

Check Ebay for secondhand books. Also secondhand bookshops. There was a place in the US that I used to buy books from. Not sure if this is the place I used but I think it is one of the shops I got some books from.
Candiru are small skinny catfish that are attracted to ammonia, and have been known to swim into people's urethras and stick their pectoral spines out sideways so they can't be removed without surgery.

It's always a good idea to wear underpants with good elastic if you swim in the Amazon or any of its tributaries. Also, don't pee in the water because that attracts them.


LOL :)


I thought there hadn't been any cases or deaths from covid in Thailand. Are these new cases?

Check Ebay for secondhand books. Also secondhand bookshops. There was a place in the US that I used to buy books from. Not sure if this is the place I used but I think it is one of the shops I got some books from.
so they eat ammonia? that would be nice in a tank but not in your uthera.
During this pandemic and all the lock downs I got depressed and called the suicide hotline. I must have gotten the wrong number because I put on hold. Then I was transferred to a number in Pakistan. When I told them I was depressed and might commit suicide they got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck...... :hatchetchase:
I laughed so hard I coughed my guts up when I read this. Not the part about thinking suicide and being put on hold when you rang the suicide help line, because that has happened to me too. Years ago it was late at night and I was feeling suicidal. I rang the help line and someone answered it and said "Can you hold the line please?" I did, I stood there for 20 minutes waiting for someone to talk to, eventually I hung up and went for a walk.

Another time I rang the suicide help line and it rang and rang and rang, and nobody answered it. I tried a few more times and eventually got a message saying please visit this website if you need help. So I hopped online and found their website. I sent an email saying Help me please, I can't deal with anything anymore. I wrote a spiel about my issues and sent it to them. I got an automated reply saying someone will contact you shortly. Two months later I get this email saying "We are replying to your email asking for help, how can we be of service today?"

I laughed about you being put through to Pakistan and them asking if you could drive a truck. They have some really bad roads in Pakistan and they probably thought, "Yes, we might be able to get this suicidal person to drive on the roads here. :)

I have been thinking about suicide more and more lately. For everyone who says it leaves family and friends behind, my family is dead as are my long time friends. I live in constant pain and have problems breathing. My health is going downhill and with covid and the stupid rental property and all the other crap going on here, it all gets a bit much. The only thing that keeps me going is this forum and there's days when I can't even deal with that.

I nearly drove my car off the road tonight when I was coming home from the shops. I just can't deal with everything that is going on now. I'm so sick of it all.
@Colin_T - Hang in there you have a friend in me. Although years ago I had came close to ending it all I stopped and thought it can only get better from here. When I posted that I had intended it to be funny, but I did worry about how it would effect someone else. Sorry to bring up bad memories. I am 68 years old and have lost so many people at this age, and having failed at three marriages that I find myself living alone. But I like to think of the movie Outlaw Josey Wells, the part in the movie where he meets the old Indian. The old guy tells him the story about how he and a few other Chiefs dressed up in fine clothes to visit the President but instead they met someone else in Washington (I can't remember who). Anyway the papers at that time wrote a story were they said the Indians where "Endeavoring to Persevere." The old guy said that after they read that, they declared war on the white man...lol

If you need to talk to a friend pm me. Take care of yourself.

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