Finally, I have my 3rd spawn from the pair. This time, I will post what I am about to / is going through, and hopefully will share the experience with those who are also interested in breeding/raising bristlenose plecos.
As a reminder, I completely lost both of the previous spawns for unknown reasons (strongly suspect water quality). This time I'll try whatever I can do get as many to survive.
The male has started to release fries yesterday - I can see about 7 of them in the main tank now, and more and showing up every hour. This time, I expect at least 25 fries.
My setup for the fries:
- Tank: 5.5g (obviosly, I'm not going to raise 1 inch fries out of this tank)
- Heater: Ebo Jager 100w (don't have anything lower rated)
- Filter: Aqua Clear Mini
- Substrate: None.
- Plants: None.
Does anyone see any benefit of adding java moss in this tank?
- Water: 50% from the main tank, 50% from the tap, with water conditioner added.
The tank has been left running for 24 hours with the filter on.
- Light: None. There's dim ambient light - that should be sufficient.
- Food: I've chopped zuchini, cucumer and stems of brocoli into thin slices. I plan to blanch, add them and keep them in the tank for two days max. Anything they don't eat will go into the main tank where the adults live. I plan to add all three of them at the same time to see which ones they prefer to eat.
Does anyone know if they eat baby brine shrimps?
- Water change: I plan to do it daily, about 20% or so. I will be vaccing every time to remove anything that is not fish in the tank other than vegetable slices.
That's it for now. I'll post every few days to see how the setup goes. I plan to transfer the first batch of fries tonight.
Can't wait!