Questions Regarding My New Tank Setup - Feedback Please

Wow, I really like that :)

btw, cant tell on those pics, can you get more close ups?

do you think the background is to bright?

as for the rams,i added some more,hope they are better,the GBR's seem to pose,the golds just bomb it around everywhere!! lol
:lol: it was the pics of the rams I was referring to.

Background looks good mate :)
hi mark, your setup is looking great!

in relation to your last question, i have a large tank also, with 2 fx5s and another 1000ltr/hour can - i also have two 300w heaters. when i do a water change, i use a water hose from the garden, i remove the one way valve in the bit that clips onto the outside tap. i will put the hose in my tank, sort of half way down, then i will turn the outside tap on....this primes the whole hose, i then pull the hose from the tap and allow it to backflow out....when i get it down to the level i want, i then reconnect the hose and fill it up.

the temp will go down, but ive still got a lot of water already in the tank, plus the two 300w heaters kick in - ive never had a problem, so if your thinking of doing the same, try a bit at a time to see how the fish react, keep doing that until you get around how much you want to remove each time.

watch out for some hoses, which have a white powder in them to keep them bendy....mine doesnt have any powder...but doing it this way saves
on keep rushing back and fourth with buckets!
nope no water yet.

hopefully get water in it on sunday

regards as to moving my fish into it,can i just net them from 1 tank and put in the other?
Providing the tank temp and ph are the same (and they should be unless you have a significant ph difference in the mature tank) then yes, you can net and put straight into the new tank, Im always moving fish around tanks and never had a problem doing it this way. Obviousy if there is a huge ph difference, then you will need to acclimatise them, either via bagging and adding water as you would like you do when you 1st get them or in a bucket, but I really doubt there is that much differnce.
excellent,thats good news,im sure the ph will be the same,unless all the mopani changes it?

is it advisable to have my rena heater aswell as the juwel heater? that juwel heater looks well pants!!

finaly,as my 405 is alot smaller than the fx5, if i put all the biomax,sponges,everything in the fx5,can i add new biomax to it without a problem,as i have loads of biomax!!

doing this,i gather i rinse the new biomax in tank water,not tap water,if im putting it straight in the filter?
Test it to make sure, the ph in my 400 is 7.4, whereas the other tanks is 7.8 -8.0, the 400 has huge amounts of wood hence the drop.

My juwel heater is working well on its own in the 400 and this time of year I wouldnt worry about it, you may need to add another over winter though.

Yep put all the 405 media and new in the FX5, just rinse the biomax in tank water (taken out of tank obviously). I added my FX5 to the 400 on Wednesday and just stuffed all the juwel internal media in and started it up :good:
hey mike

ive managed to fill my tank up now, ive added some live plants,and a couple moss balls,lol

i have just my rena 300w running,and i have it up at a stable 26 degree's

i havent got the fx5 running yet,i have just turned on the internal juwel filter.

i hit a little problem on the other tank,and that may stall me putting the fish into the other tank.

What happened was i tested my water in my current tank 2 days ago and for some reason my ammonia shot up and i had a trace of nitrite too!! it wasnt like that for long as i tested it the evening im carrying out 50-70% water changes once or twice again,a day. I have no idea why this has happened.
i havent done anything different,ive added 2 more rams,thats it!!

i chucked in some zeolite to get any ammonia that is left,its seemed to of worked!
lol,thats a lot of smilies!!

piccys will follow.

im off to maidenhead for 9am to buy some more goodies,and to see wether there baloon rams are in :drool:
current tank Ph = 7.2

new tank Ph = 6.8

how do i acclimatie all the fish? i havent got any bags to do so?

any help would be great as i want to do it today
Just as I described to you via PM mate :good:

done :shout:

all fish transfered and in the new HUUUUGE home,it looks empty,and they all look lost!!

i treated myself to a new addition 2day aswell!!

but i think i have has lost it,i cant find it anywhere!!


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