Need feedback on this 120-gallon tank

Personally, in a large tank, I like a mix of big and small fish. If I were doing a 125 gallon, planted tank with a Southeast Asia theme, I'd do:
10 Pearl gourami
40-50 harlequin or espei rasbora
20 dwarf chain loaches
20+ amano shrimp
20 kuhli loaches.
Or maybe skip all the loaches and get a school of two-spot catfish (Mystus bimaculatus)
That's what I'd do.
I'm assuming that pearl gouramis are larger than sparkling. Will they not try to eat the smaller species in the tank?
Sorry, I should've been more specific:
  • GH: 2dGH
  • KH: 1dKH
  • pH: 6.5
  • TDS (if you need it): 65ppm
  • temp: 78F
Thanks for the headsup about the loaches - didn't know they'd go after shrimp like that.

And golden dwarf cichlid (nanacarra anomala) is a species from Suriname. They just might not be a very popular species, but I like the blues and golds on the male's sides.
Yep nice soft acidic water; the common name for them is golden eye and i'm very familiar with them having kept them for around 5 years. It appears there are several different catch location and some stay small and others are larger; the blue form i've had have all stayed much smaller than the green form. You obviously have the blue form ;)
Pearl gouramis get to around 4" (closer to 3 in my experience). The males will get a little aggressive with each other while breeding, but in a big tank with plenty of room to spread out they should be fine. Otherwise they are quite gentle. I kept five in a 55g with harlequins and even tiny blue rasboras (Sundadanio goblinus), and the gouramis completely ignored everyone else, even when breeding.

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