Questions Regarding My New Tank Setup - Feedback Please

Oh whoops, my fingers just hit the buy it now on the FX5 :blush: Lets hope they ship mine quickly too :D I can take the eheim off and put it on the new tank so its fully cycled and ready to go when its set up next week! Now how to tell the kids they cant eat next week :lol:
here is a piccy of the lid modded,looks ok i reckon!!

Looks really good, what did you use to cut it?

i used a junior hacksaw,a tape measure and a pen/pencil

and a little bit of sand paper to get rid of the rough edges

no lie took me 30 mins,and most of that was finding the tools,lol

i didnt realise that the fx5 flows top to bottom,so the bottom media tray has the clearest water!! unlike the 405's 305's etc etc that run upwards with the top tray having the clearest water!!
Shall have to find myself a hacksaw then, B&Q here I come :hyper:

Question for ya, would the media sponges in the jumbo juwel filter fit inside the FX5, in the middle trays? Was hoping it does, save me cycling it, just stuff the media in the trays and away it goes, so I can remove the internal straight away, doesnt matter if they dont, will just run it alongside for a month, would just dearly love to remove the internal.
yes it does,it need to be squeezed in though!! as you can see with the spare jumbo carbon i have,lol


Excellent :D Thanks for those pics (and for pulling it apart to check for me :D) :good:

How long before you get some fish in there then? Whats the plans stock wise?
Excellent :D Thanks for those pics (and for pulling it apart to check for me :D) :good:

How long before you get some fish in there then? Whats the plans stock wise?

well all my fish at the moment are just happily swimming in there roma 120, im going to swap them around probaly next weekend!!

i have

10 pristella tetra's
6 corys
2 german blue rams
2 gold rams

i no i can have alot more fish,but i realy dont no what to go for!!

i fancy a pair of bolivain rams maybe?

what stock would you say?

where do you get that kockney koi dechlor?
You can get the kockney koi from ebay or some LFS sell it :good:

Yeah bolivians would be nice, or you can have some Thorichtys Ellioti, or aureus (the aureus is in my avi, bottom fish). Or some boesemani rainbowfish (or another rainbowfish).

I would say severum, but not a good idea with the rams. Maybe some keyhole cichlids.
Glad to see the fx5 fit's, are you going to run the internal filter aswell? looks brilliant mate, what you planning for stocking

sorry,i didnt see you post amongst the rest,lol

yep im gonna run both i think,super filtration

not sure what other fish im gonna get,i fancy a pair of bolivian rams mainly
Sound's good mate, just remember when the 24hr perge happen's with the fx5 for two minutes you will sit there in suspence waiting for it to work again, i do now still even after 2years :lol:
can i just say, i know you have already decided on you want both filters but in my experience i have found the internal filter useless and it does take up a bit of room also its suspended off the ground and i found that all the crap of this and other muck just got stuck underneath it. i find on my current situation that the fx5 is more than enough filtration even with dirty cichlids and plecs. o yes and my way of cheating with gravel vaccing is just have the fx5 intake at your lowest point in the aquarium surrounded by stones so it doesn't get full of sand, my final point being nice tank.
here is the tank now.

i have added 44kg of jet black roman gravel,i am well pleased with it,cost me abit though!!!

do you think i should change the background? on the flipside it is jet black so easily changed

i also have added:

few bits of mopani wood

few artificial plants ( i aim to get real plants aswell)

2 " boob " hideaways

1 terracotta flower pot ( may add another,i have 3 left )

i aim to get some slate aswell and some real plants.

any ideas on plants that are great for a plant newbie!!! im useless with plants,lol

well anyway,here are some piccys,what do you all think.please be honest as i like all comments,good and bad!!


Wow, I really like that :)

btw, cant tell on those pics, can you get more close ups?

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