Pure Evil!

Sanadi -- You actually have something there... bettas are disqualified in shows if they do not flare, even the purely ornamental types :nod:. In this way, breeders are encouraged to keep that fighter spirit in their lines.
Sanadi -- You actually have something there... bettas are disqualified in shows if they do not flare, even the purely ornamental types :nod:. In this way, breeders are encouraged to keep that fighter spirit in their lines.

I agree, many times in this forum, we hear about males who are just not up to snuff when it comes to breeding. No bubble nests, no agression, not very betta like! Perhaps the males could use a little more umf!
And maybe that fighting instinct is the key. You definitely have something there Sanadi. It would be interesting to test that hypothesis.

I think that this is going to become an issue in which people will agree to disagree. The video discussed in this thread was made in very poor judgement. On that point, I presume, we all are in agreement.

This thread has been handled quite well, considering the reactions are quite strong. I'm pleased that it hasn't been closed, and that is a reflection on the general maturity of the posts. Somebody had to say it soon or later. Thanks Wuv, for monitoring this thread well. :good:
No worries, it's all good and I agree with many of you to the full extent. I've enjoyed reading your well thought out posts.

I'm sure we can all agree on one thing, and that's that these guys are horrible excuses for human beings. What sickens me, and I've thought much about this, is how much trouble they went through for all of it. The ring, the bowl, the fish, the editing...just all of it. :S
I wonder how many of the advocates of betta fighting would be willing to take on another human being in a bare knuckle fist fight?
Not a Nazi or anything, but these are the kind of people who should be removed from the gene pool. Completely disgusting.
I wonder how many of the advocates of betta fighting would be willing to take on another human being in a bare knuckle fist fight?

:lol: Well, I think most of us know when we're beat and when to back down... if not we'd probably be in jail, not on a forum chatting.... I'll admit I've gotten into a few fights... mainly when this disgusting semi-drunk girl tried to convince my Fiancee that she should sit on his lap, and when he said no, she asked if she could pee on him... It wasn't a very good night at the walking mall, that night. :sick:
Stupid punks. I would love to send it to PETA and have them pester them but i couldn't find petas email.
If the video upsets you, read the comments made by some of the people. It's pathetic: "i support him i mean seriously its a fish, A F**KIN 50 CENT FISH, go buy some from the fish store". Or how about this one "First off, fish are not animals.". You can view my comment at the bottom.

Just remember the phrase "what goes around, comes around". I'm sure when those turds pass to the other side to the pearly gates(though i doubt they'd make it there), 2 HUGE intimidating bettas will be waiting for them, clenching their fists and cracking their knuckles.
Just remember the phrase "what goes around, comes around". I'm sure when those turds pass to the other side to the pearly gates(thought i doubt they'd make it there), 2 HUGE intimidating bettas will be waiting for them, clenching their fists and cracking their knuckles.

You know what, thats hilarious, i think im gunnah use that idea for a flash movie if thats alright with you :lol:
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