Pure Evil!

Can you believes this :-(

They also showed 3 bettas in a cup fighting at the end too. and the most outrageous bit was when he threw the betta at the wall! A truely heart breaking video. I reported it too youtube as im a member there.

What beautiful bettas they were too :sad:

Ijay, your post was innappripriate
Can you believes this :-(

They also showed 3 bettas in a cup fighting at the end too. and the most outrageous bit was when he threw the betta at the wall! A truely heart breaking video. I reported it too youtube as im a member there.

What beautiful bettas they were too :sad:

Ijay, your post was innappripriate

was it?
i am so sorry.

i am also sorry that i was not able to help you on your other post about fish cycling.
Thankfully I see you can no longer view the video without a password and logging into youtube.

Not that it probably doesn't take more than a minute to sign up - but at least it's been flagged.

Not so I got on today without having to log on! I agree with everyone else that it is totally sick and disgusting. I dont agree with breeding any animal to fight but I can understand that it is engrained in many societies whether its dog, cock or betta fights, And I do realise that in the proper circles everything is done to keep the animals healthy and in fighting condition but this was just out of order!

its the total lack of respect for life on any level that gets me! As has been proved in various studies cruelty to animals by children can be a warning sign of a lack of respect and idea of consequence of human life in later years. It is by no means an american problem but a world wide one I seem to remember not so long ago see-ing on the news about a group of kids that taped a hamster to a firework and set it off recording it on a mobile phone and that was somewhere in Scotland I am sure. The use of small animals in thrill seeking by teenagers is shocking and worrying and I have always wondered is it that its getting worse or that it is being reported more often?

Anyway I've said my piece and now I'll be off!
Laura--S'ok, we all say things we don't mean. Hopefully now you know we're not all such bad folks.
soritan-I'm not sure exactly what you mean by all the slapdash stuff as the jargon are words I'm not familiar with except that we can become jaded by seeing so much violence and then folks try to outdo each other with it. I speak as someone who grew up in a more innocent age...Sometimes I feel so bad for young people growing up in such a sewer world. It seems young ones know about every kind of perversion there is before they're 16 years old. How it fair to lose the beauty of innocence at younger and younger ages? It does seem like the media at large tries to outdo itself showing more and more of the dark side as far as it dares to go, each time a little bit more....
Makes me really sick. This is all off topic but yet on topic as I wonder how much these guys in the video were influenced by the tone of the media culture. People who are deeply unhappy are almost given permission to cross boundaries that are taboo--violent outbursts at home, at school, toward other people and toward animals. Cultures go through transitions and cycles and hopefully someday the rules of behavior will be reinstated and more clearly understood. I don't know if I'll live to see it happen but for the sake of those who come after me, I hope the cycle doesn't take too long. You younger people have a right not to live with darkness shoved up your nose all the time. :good:
I'm using soritans method on this one. If you haven't seen the vid don't highlight the text below if you have well highlight it.
In my oppinion not at all real.
The fins were fake as there were no fish in there and you do not actually see the fish fighting- They were all dummies. And at the end if you pause the frame where the 'fish' is on the floor it is not a fish at all! It's a dummie of some kind!


After a re-watch i take back what i said.
Cruel bast*rds
First thing this morning I emailed the high school, our local news stations "whats buggin you" guy, and KZPS. Hopefully someone will be interested enough to research it a bit, but you know how that goes.
I want to just punch these stupid kids in their stupid faces.

What also gets me, is the people who do this as part of their culture at least stick them in suitable conditions. THe fear the poor babies must hvae when being dumped into a small bowl - and especially the small cup.

Worse yet, the bowl is probably just tap water.

I say we hunt these morons down. form a mob at their front door. :sly:
I am sooo with you starfirefly! Ill have to fly over there first though :unsure:

Can you believes this :-(

They also showed 3 bettas in a cup fighting at the end too. and the most outrageous bit was when he threw the betta at the wall! A truely heart breaking video. I reported it too youtube as im a member there.

What beautiful bettas they were too :sad:

Ijay, your post was innappripriate

was it?
i am so sorry.

i am also sorry that i was not able to help you on your other post about fish cycling.

lol it seemed innapropriate by having random emotes up but nvm, i was just angry bout the video. lol! :lol:

LOL thanks for the possible help!
Not so I got on today without having to log on! I agree with everyone else that it is totally sick and disgusting. I dont agree with breeding any animal to fight but I can understand that it is engrained in many societies whether its dog, cock or betta fights, And I do realise that in the proper circles everything is done to keep the animals healthy and in fighting condition but this was just out of order!

Judmacaroni, this is not directed at you alone, this is directed to all people who feel that because something has been done in a culture for many years that it is somehow acceptable.
See, this is where I have the problem. "Proper circles. Healthy and in fighting condition." How to explain this....in Detroit, they have a real problem with dog fighting. It's been going on for years and years. The owners train the dogs extensively, they throw puppies and kittens to the dog to teach them how to fight and build up the dogs' confidence. The owners often have tread mills, to build up the dogs strength. The owners have medicinal supplies handy to treat the dogs after the fight, they feed the fighters well, etc....heck, I would even go so far as to say that even if they had their own private vets I would still not consider this acceptable.
The animal will feel pain regardless if they are trained or not. The animal can still die, regardless if they are trained or not. Just because someone (or culture) has been doing something for many years does not make it right!
Frankly I just don't understand how anyone can seperate the fighting of bettas (this is okay while this is not) when the end result is the same :(
I saw this post back before there were any replies on it. I didn't bother to reply because to me, this was posted to grab attention to the video. Even though it was known to be negitive attention before it was posted. But I think it was intended to get attention and I didn't feel I needed to post on something like that.

I didn't watch the video either. I saw the beginning how they set it up like WWE or whatever, and I got so pissed off that I just closed out of it and got off the computer. I can't believe that any of you were able to watch that. :no:

Well...I guess that's all I have to say. :X
people like them dont deserve to breath and use the oxygen on this planet....
wat a bunch of ******* wasters...
luckily i didnt get to see the video, but i bet they didnt show any regret, sadness or guilt...
That's just ####ing sick guys...I mean I support betta fighting as an art where none of the bettas die but this...is is beyond stupid. You can tell that they just bought the betta the same day (blue water and debris in the jar) and that more than 2 bettas were bought (there was 3 bettas in that last jar). Who the right mind would throw a fish against a wall...idiots....idiots...
That was disgusting! I'm sure there were three bettas in the bowl at the last bit of the fight and it looked like they were in a cup and not the bowl too but I could be seeing things!

I know betta fighting goes on and normally I dont mind as the ones who normally do it actually care for their fish and put an awful lot of work into conditioning them for the fight and care afterwards, but that was seriously disturbing and the fact that they flung the poor betta against the wall was just inhumane! I'd love some authorities to do them over for that, but I have a feeling they wont be prossecuted for it!
Any updates from the Radio station, Wuv?

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