Pure Evil!

yeah,they replied right away..
Kelly, thanks for the heads up. With YOUTUBE, you can submit to their
customer service any video that you deem inappropriate or offensive.
They can make the call on whether to take it down or not. However, KZPS
does not condone Beta Fighting and had nothing to do with this clip. We
thank you for letting us know!!

Bobby Black

..so they had nothing to do with it, as I figured. The school wrote back too and said they didn't recognize the boys, and that they can't do anything if it was off campus anyway. She also said she read the comment page and hopes harsh words from their peers will get through to them.
In my experience, people like that love their praise, and ignore their criticisims. "Anyone who thinks this video isn't omgwtfbbqkewl is obviously a stupid gehy square."
yeah,they replied right away..
Kelly, thanks for the heads up. With YOUTUBE, you can submit to their
customer service any video that you deem inappropriate or offensive.
They can make the call on whether to take it down or not. However, KZPS
does not condone Beta Fighting and had nothing to do with this clip. We
thank you for letting us know!!

Bobby Black

..so they had nothing to do with it, as I figured. The school wrote back too and said they didn't recognize the boys, and that they can't do anything if it was off campus anyway. She also said she read the comment page and hopes harsh words from their peers will get through to them.

Thanks for the update, Wuv. Well, they may get away with it now, but I truely believe that what goes around comes around. You reap what you sow.
Not so I got on today without having to log on! I agree with everyone else that it is totally sick and disgusting. I dont agree with breeding any animal to fight but I can understand that it is engrained in many societies whether its dog, cock or betta fights, And I do realise that in the proper circles everything is done to keep the animals healthy and in fighting condition but this was just out of order!

Judmacaroni, this is not directed at you alone, this is directed to all people who feel that because something has been done in a culture for many years that it is somehow acceptable.
See, this is where I have the problem. "Proper circles. Healthy and in fighting condition." How to explain this....in Detroit, they have a real problem with dog fighting. It's been going on for years and years. The owners train the dogs extensively, they throw puppies and kittens to the dog to teach them how to fight and build up the dogs' confidence. The owners often have tread mills, to build up the dogs strength. The owners have medicinal supplies handy to treat the dogs after the fight, they feed the fighters well, etc....heck, I would even go so far as to say that even if they had their own private vets I would still not consider this acceptable.
The animal will feel pain regardless if they are trained or not. The animal can still die, regardless if they are trained or not. Just because someone (or culture) has been doing something for many years does not make it right!
Frankly I just don't understand how anyone can seperate the fighting of bettas (this is okay while this is not) when the end result is the same :(

there is a big difference between dog-fighting and betta-fighting: if two dogs are locked in a death-grip, its too dangerous to separate them. bettas you can scoop up with your hands.

i think that a better comparison (while still imperfect) is that tradition Thai-style betta fighting is like a martial arts combat tournament. what we saw in that video was a backyard deathmatch.
fuman_chica i didnt post this video to get attention sorry but get all the attention i need at home :good:
just found it wilst looking for videos and was outraged by it and i know that people on here like wuvbetta could do something about it...............sorry if people think im attention seeking wont bother to raise awareness again but thanks to wuvbetta for doing what youve done :D
That comments page makes me want to cry...
Even my 6 year old nephew knows that fish are living creatures.
Nelly, I'm sorry that that is how it seemed to me. If that wasn't your intent, I'm sorry that I assumed it was. I didn't think that there was anything that anybody could really do about beside complain to Youtube. And I figured that if you were "outraged" enough that you would have done that yourself. And I'm sure plenty of people would have seen it with out it being on here because I know that on my myspace video of my bettas, I got 40 hits in two days and I didn't tell anyone that I had posted it on there. So I know that lots of people go on to watch bettas, whether they are on myspace or youtube.

Again, I'm sorry if I offended you. :)
there is a big difference between dog-fighting and betta-fighting: if two dogs are locked in a death-grip, its too dangerous to separate them. bettas you can scoop up with your hands.
i think that a better comparison (while still imperfect) is that tradition Thai-style betta fighting is like a martial arts combat tournament. what we saw in that video was a backyard deathmatch.


The following is a direct quote taken from the above site:

"The fighter will give chase, lunge at the females, rip at their bodies and fins and generally cause absolute mayhem. Don’t worry because the agile females will almost always outrun the fighter and if they get hit, they’ll repair quickly. Occasionally some of these fleet-footed females may get mortally hurt but that’s all part of the training routine."

"Once the match is agreed upon, make sure that you confirm the monetary bet and the duration of the fight. Fights can vary from anywhere between three hours to the whole day or until one fish runs away or expires."

pic of trained fighters...


There is a need to realise is that in any bout there must always be a loser. Not all bettas are champions, some will be mediocre fighters and do you really think that the owner is going to expend alot of energy and time on a mediocre fighter?

I get the feeling that I am one of the very few on this board that 'gets it' so this will be my last post on this subject on this board. I just don't understand how anyone can condone this practice.... :(
I get the feeling that I am one of the very few on this board that 'gets it' so this will be my last post on this subject on this board. I just don't understand how anyone can condone this practice.... :(

Hn, that's a rather mighty statement to make.

In fact, there is a gentleman here who breeds fighters, and fights them. The fighting debate comes up often, here. In my year of registration here, and my 4 months of lurking before that, I've seen my share. Generally speaking, most people damn fighters for what they do, summarily, without research into the custom.

A 'loser fish' isn't simply a loser to a betta fighter. He's a though, hard fish that's been conditioned, worked on, labored over, spent money on (lots of money), and bred to be as he is. He's emotionally attached to. This is not the sort of thing a professional breeder simply chucks out the window.
FishOwner, I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of users on this forum disagree with betta fighting to one degree or another, they're just not as vocal as you are. They know when to pick their battles. They "get it", and I'd venture to say they "get it" to a greater extent than you claim to because they can see the big picture and avoid making themselves look like simple bleeding hearts. If you get up on your soap box each and every time you think you see an injustice being done, people are going to start tuning you out. Sometimes the squeaky wheel doesn't get the grease, it just gets ignored.

There's a lady in my town who has gotten my mother to report animal abuse to the police for her. Why? Because she has reported so many minor cases that weren't even worth investigating over the years that the police have begun telling her they will check it out, then they just pretend she never called. So not only do the minor cases get ignored, but if my mother hadn't called in for her, some horribly emaciated horses would have been left to suffer as well. Animals that really, really needed help. See what I mean?
Like I said before, I won't go on about the subject on this site anymore since the "much more vocal" crowd here tend to support betta fighting. All I can say is from my own personal standards I will never condone the fighting of ANY animal for someone's amusement and profit.
If you (speaking to the pro-fighting crowd) decide to lower your standards so be it. But you should really try to not be hypocrites, it tends to undermine your position on fighting. :blink: If you accept people fighting their fish, then you accept all people fighting their fish. It's the same thing folks whether you realise it or not.

And yeah, I'm a bleeding heart because I think all living creatures deserve respect and the right to live, the right to have decent living conditions if kept by humans, and the right not to be used and abused for someones perverse pleasure.....

'Nuff said.
If you accept people fighting their fish, then you accept all people fighting their fish. It's the same thing folks whether you realise it or not.
I beg to differ, but we've been through this before ;)
:/ Well I know they are made to fight.. and people that fight them love their fish.. but those two retards are just (insert many bad words here). poor little fishies jsut need to lay in the sun light and get some nice attention.
Crackers Page about fighting Bettas

FishOwner, Please have a look at this site, read about how they are trained and conditioned and actually fought in an ethicnally correct way before deciding if

"If you accept people fighting their fish, then you accept all people fighting their fish. It's the same thing folks whether you realise it or not."

It IS different depending on if the people doing it are ignorant noobs who don't give a rats arse about how the fish do afterwards...

I myself have though that fighting them would be a natural way to select which males would be better breeders. think about it... if done in large planted tank or whatnot, then first the males will square off... this involves flaring, shimmering their tails, and all that good stuff. Sometimes, at this point a male will back down... this is where the plants / large area comes into play, as they need room to be able to 'leave' the fight. I do not think fighting to the death is right, nor is fighting like in this video is right, but I think in a controlled situation where the people are Knowledgeable enough to notice the signs of submission and remove the betta's before 'major' damage happens is reasonable.

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