Proxo - 90L Journal

Well my CO2 still isn't working so this time i decided to stick an air pump into the tube and still nothing is coming
out so seems my diffuser is somehow blocked, though it looked perfectly fine? HELP! :blush:

Edit: deffo was the diffuser as i tried to use an airstone and it's now pumping co2 :S
Do alder cones eventually rot and need removed or will they just stop 'working' and can be left in the tank? :unsure:
Since they've been in the colouring on my apisto has got pretty nice even when the pH was sitting at 7.6 as the CO2 wasn't running.
Starting to struggle with this tank now, not really sure where to go with it so any advice in what you'd do is welcome :good:
I really gotta get myself photobucket or something, currently using my facebook but people must be thinking WHAT THE?
Anyway Here's what i was thinking;

Red is the plant already planted at the back, if it ever picks itself up off the floor :lol:
Green dot to dot will be some kind of grass plant Glossostigma or Hemianthus Callitrichoides? easier the better though :hey:

I've got like a wigs worth of java moss in a bucket still too, was gonna wrap it around the intake pipe? :fun:
I wouldn't say you're struggling with it mate, its looking really good.

2 or 3 pots of Glossostigma would work wonders mate. Hygrophila and Rotunda are great in-fillers and grow like no tomorrow so would soon fill your tank up. You could use them to hide the intake as the moss would look very random indeed. :lol:
Everything has to be ran past the girlfriend before purchase, she can be a little picky with plants too :grr: lolol.

Not sure planting the right side will work out as the BN's set up shop behind the rock under the heater, he's destroying the place :X
Might move that salad plant there and see how he acts up around it, i can risk what i don't like :p

Really interested in some floating plants aswell, it's official - i'm an addict :-(
CO2 is either working or doesn't bother :angry: so think i'll go with some hair grass and keep it really trimmed at front?
Got an assasin snail the other day too, what weird things :lol: the gf has called it gary :X
kyle ya jew (like what i did there with the southpark insult!!)

whats the chances of some java moss off ya? you can have some guppy fry if ya want in exchange lol
LULZ! If i have any left over when i re-scape my 55g you can have it, shouldn't take long to grow for some cuttings if you're not in a rush.
LULZ! If i have any left over when i re-scape my 55g you can have it, shouldn't take long to grow for some cuttings if you're not in a rush.

nah av got all the time in the world pal. does it just spread proper fast? iv got a plant at the moment that sends out shoots but there dead thin an dont cover much
Doesn't always grow fast for me, sometimes it'll grow like no tomorrow and others it'll take forever :S
It tends to grow towards the light but if you keep it trimmed short it eventually grows 'fluffy' looking.
UPDATE: Apisto are following each other into caves, twitching like mental :D but still the odd fight lol.
IN OTHER NEWS: i smashed my diffuser because of the stress it's caused me :X
Girlfriend says "i'm just going to buy one soon" because i've been trying to fix it for so long :lol:.
Might buy some proper connectors and that, do it properly and then if it fails, let her buy!! :nod:

I keep thinking 'gary the snail' is dead, he doesn't do much, neither does my BN pleco though :X

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