Proxo - 90L Journal

:unsure: should i get another coffee and read up on this or is it pretty much straight forward?
Got any links i can buy this stuff or even cheaper ways of making it myself? :D
Will have a look, cheers bhuddy :good:

My CO2 failed again, just keep getting leaks :shout: think i'm going to weld it together with some melted plastic next :lol:
Well my afternoon has been interesting, went to get that bristlenose pleco to grow for my 55g.
Took forever to find it, wouldn't come out of a rock gap even when there was no water so we thought it was stuck and almost got the tools out :blink:

So yeah, i've came home with the rock aswell as the pleco :lol: i think stubborn bristlenose is going to get on perfectly with terry the green terror.

Also found tynevalleyaquatics on ebay does 120-150 alder cones for £5, if that sounds funky i'll order some :good:
I didn't know catfish needed cat litter? :rolleyes:
FINALLY IT CAME OUT OF THE ROCK :hyper: took me a good 3 attempts to remove the rock ninja style though.
Kept me awake most of the night though, it must of been sucking on the diffuser and making it tap the tank glass :grr:.

Never been a fan of BNs because they're kind of ugly looking but for some reason, they're kind of cool :blink: It wont move for anybody, even if i touch it lol.
Will get some pictures up soon'ish :good:

Oh yeah, ordered some alder cones they can go straight into the tank right? or do they gotta sit in filter? :unsure:
Alder cones are in the system :lol:, wasn't sure how many to add but a quick research of 1 average cone per 1 gal of water is recommended?
Here's the 'BN' pleco that i don't think is a BN? :unsure: little worried about his tail so any help on that would be good :good:


Looks like the two bn I have. The tail is probably scar tissue. Just keep an eye on it, make sure it doesn't turn red or start to fungus, just in case.
Would i be right in saying it's a female? :unsure:
If you look close at the tail there's a white kind of slimy lump under it, could that be fungus maybe?

Zoom in by holding ctrl and pushing +, hold ctrl and press 0 to reset screen size :hey:
That is most definately a male. You can tell that due to being able to paint a wall with his face if you so wished. :D females are bald with the exception of a hairy chin. A bit like your granny.
Defo male. Looks like it might be fungus. Thanks for the zoom tip, but I do everything from my phone. :lol:
I'm going to change this topic to proxo's fail journal, had a bag of black sand stored away wondering if i should take it back or use it for the 55g.
Lets just say, i thought about turning the full room into a tank when it ended up all over the floor :S

That is most definately a male. You can tell that due to being able to paint a wall with his face if you so wished. :D females are bald with the exception of a hairy chin. A bit like your granny.
It was grannys plec but she's getting too old for the water changes, not old enough for the hairy chin though :lol:
Maybe i'll paint the new 55g stand with him though, seen as he doesn't like been in water much :lol:
Defo male. Looks like it might be fungus. Thanks for the zoom tip, but I do everything from my phone. :lol:
Alder cones apparently help with fungal infections so i read, i'll keep up the water changes and keep an eye on him and if needed waterlife myxazin should do the trick?

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