Proxo - 90L Journal

Built this CO2 system REAL slow, seems to be holding fine but i'm out of sugar :sad:.
Just been having a good clean out of this tank and noticed some of the alder cones are growing leafs and roots off them? :unsure:

Built this CO2 system REAL slow, seems to be holding fine but i'm out of sugar :sad:.
Just been having a good clean out of this tank and noticed some of the alder cones are growing leafs and roots off them? :unsure:


Haha excellent! Yes! Grow a tree!!!
If it doesn't work, might try that one i think RossC does with the fire extinguisher? but i'm little scared i'll blow something up :look:.
The apisto are doing good, alot more flirting and following each other but still the odd fighting.

Alder cones aint really done much for my pH so i upped the amount today;

25x alder cones
1x big cold water change
some frozen and live food
marvin gaye - lets get it on

^ SHOULD do the job? :fun:
Alder cones
Bog wood
Peat balls
Catappa leaves
Cat litter
Working co2 :X

All the above should be capable of dropping your ph to somewhere around 6.5 or below. :good:
LOL Air supply :good:.
Finally got my CO2 working, thing has been running 2 days with no problems at all :D.

The assassin died though, didnt move for days so i picked it up and the male apisto pulled it right out the shell :/.
Heard few people getting them from ebay, any recommend a seller? :p
Plants are looking a little hungover, very brown - think i should start dosing ferts? :unsure:

Contact FeV on here, he has loads. :D
Thanks will check him out :hey: lol .

They had assassins in P@H a couple of weeks ago :dunno:
Any idea how much? MA is selling them £2.25 each, not sure on the 'so many for so much' deal thing though.
Doesn't look like it works out much cheaper buying them online so might just go for little extra at shop.
I'm pretty sure they are more than thatat P@H so yeah go for MA :good:

Get some ferts in that tank boy!
Tbh i've not a clue with ferts, bought a bottle once when my light unit blew to help the plants but i didn't really know what i was doing :fun:.
So you've been pointed my mr miyagi, what ferts do i buy? :lol:
Try TNC, I'm about to change to it from TPN+ (as it costs a BOMB). It's highly recommended and meant to be just as good as TPN+. There are two different ones TNC Lite and TNC Complete. TNC Lite is recommended for lightly planted tanks or if you do not add any co2 or carbon. TNC Complete is better for tanks that are more heavily planted and/or add co2 or carbon. It's good stuff! Follow the directions on the label for TNC Lite but I've been advised that I should triple the dose of the Complete when used next to carbon or co2.

Wax on Grasshoppa.

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