Proxo - 90L Journal

Yeah, I'll post you some some sunshine and for free I'll include the heat. At around 100 deg F we've got plenty to spare.
First post updated with some newer pictures, not new enough to have the 11 cardinal in them yet though :lol:
After doing a little research i think my apisto seem to be panduro instead of nijsseni.
The female spent a day in the breeding net, released her and had some fighting but all has settled alot better then before.
They're now sharing the tank with the odd flare at each other but nothing serious, major progress from having the male stuck behind the heater.

Here's a few pictures, still not 100% on the right side of the tank but wish my plants would hurry and grow back :lol:


Hey you! Got my cardinals and I got a freebie too!!

Guess i'm not just a special customer after all :sad: lol.

Hey minnnters, what pH is your L182s in? I'm really scared of buying fancy pleco's as i've never had much luck with em before :unsure:
I know my pH was sitting at roughly 7 with the playsand, never tested since changing substrate.

Think my wild caught apisto are from a pH of around 5.5 though.
Agreed panduro. I have a snowball pleco L102, in with my Malawi cichlids, the pH is about 7.6. Check out planet catfish, most of the specialty plecos have a wide pH tolerance.
Agreed panduro. I have a snowball pleco L102, in with my Malawi cichlids, the pH is about 7.6. Check out planet catfish, most of the specialty plecos have a wide pH tolerance.

I always thought snowball needed very soft water? My GF always wanted a snowball plec :lol:.
Now i'm back to picking a pleco :lol:
Agreed panduro. I have a snowball pleco L102, in with my Malawi cichlids, the pH is about 7.6. Check out planet catfish, most of the specialty plecos have a wide pH tolerance.

I always thought snowball needed very soft water? My GF always wanted a snowball plec :lol:.
Now i'm back to picking a pleco :lol:
That's what I thought as well, but I couldn't pass up the one I bought and did a quick search on planetcatfish and found a pH of 6-8 was ok.
Should of just got myself a BN :angry: LOL

L072 Peckoltia SP (3.9")
L099 Peckoltia SP (3.9")
L134 Peckoltia SP :wub:

Didn't read up on them yet but :drool:, maybe little small for a GT though?
I'm going to phone my internet service provider and get myself banned from planet catfish too :nod: .
Now down to 10 cardinal as i've just seen my female apisto swimming around with half a cardinal in her mouth :crazy:
Not sure if she attacked it or it died and she's just munched it.

Will be ordering some plants shortly as i finished re-making my DIY CO2 today, running two 2 litre bottles now once i've been shopping for some more sugar :lol:
Panda cory from the hospital tank is now back in, still looking a little rough but infection seems to have gone.
Managed to get 1 bottle of CO2 working but seems i'm going to have to remake the thing for 3rd time due to leaks :grr:

The girlfriend managed to get a pretty awesome picture of the female apisto and a mirror trick shot of the cardinal :lol:

Epic fail with the co2... :D Mine's working great :lol:

The Apisto is minnnt!! :cool:

Oh, and my L182's are aaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing. :yahoo: :kana:
:grr: If i had the money i'd of bought the real deal by now, sick of playing with plastic bottles :lol:
Going to remake it without the T piece connecting the 2 bottles as that's where i got my leak.

I'm holding back on the plec for now, going to check my green terrors attitude after his tank make over.
Still shopping for plecs though, every time i find something really cool i find something better :lol:

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