Proxo - 90L Journal

Maybe another female would help?

The ugly plant looks nice to me. :)

Been thinking about it, not sure he's got any more in stock though. They're still pretty young (slightly bigger then my largest cardinal) so things could change? :S lol.
I hate that plant man, it looks like some kind of vegetable but it does a nice job of filling in some places :sly: lol.

Going for 6-8 Cardinal at weekend, was thinking of getting a pleco to grow for my 55g green terror tank too.
You think i'd get an ammonia spike adding the above along with another female apisto?

Would put my stocking at:
3x apisto (move other female after/if pair?)
10-12x Cardinal
1x Platy
3x Panda Cory (1x is in hospital tank)
1x Small Pleco (Grow For 55g)

HELPS!! :blush: beep you fish addiction :grr:

P.S added a new picture into the first post, more to follow soon.
The plant does look a little like rocket, haha.

You probably would get a rise in ammonia, but a decent water change the day after would sort that.

The Plec sounds like a good idea, any preferences?
I liked that plant too, You sure it doesn't belong in a salad though?
Where do you get your fish from Proxo? I was in MA (Houghton Hall) on Tuesday night and they didn't have any cardinals "that they could sell", sounded like someone had reserved all of the cards in the only remaining cardinal tank (did that make sense?). I'd like to get more this weekend too so if you find some let me know!!
Looking good, stocking sounds right. I've got a couple of plecos I can post you for your 55... :shifty:
The Plec sounds like a good idea, any preferences?

Not really sure mate, would like something small but not small enough for my GT to munch.
My GT is like a giant cardinal though, most of the stocking has been moved because he'd get bullied so much.

I liked that plant too, You sure it doesn't belong in a salad though?

LOL, hopefully if i get a pleco he'll have a healthy snack then :lol:

Where do you get your fish from Proxo? I was in MA (Houghton Hall) on Tuesday night and they didn't have any cardinals "that they could sell", sounded like someone had reserved all of the cards in the only remaining cardinal tank (did that make sense?). I'd like to get more this weekend too so if you find some let me know!!

MA @ Houghton Hall is the only place i really go, got me some nice deals in the past because i go there so much B-).
So it seems i've got to get out of bed early at the weekend to beat you down to the shop incase there's not many cardinal? :fun:

They have a facebook group page thingy ma bobby, might have to ask on there.

Looking good, stocking sounds right. I've got a couple of plecos I can post you for your 55... :shifty:

Can you post us some of your California sunshine too? :cool:
L106 orange seam

L183 white seam starlight

L239 blue panaque

Rusty plec? :hey:

Or even better, a sunshine plec. Ooooh yeah! I so want one of these! Gorgeous plec.
You need banned from my topic mate, most people would of just recommended a pleco i'd of heard of :grr: hahaa!
I had a little read on a few of the pleco you mentioned, fell in love with the L183 after some of the youtube video's too.

How much we talking roughly for each of these plecs;
L106 orange seam
L183 white seam starlight
sunshine pleco.
The 106's are about £15 and the 183's are usually the same. Hard to come by. I got all 6 of 182's for £15, but they don't have the white seams.

Sunshines can be around £50, but they're the nicest of the bunch imo.
Almost bought a clown pleco today for the 20g but stopped myself so i could grow a pleco in there for the 55g :lol:
There was some king tiger plecs in today too :drool:

Came home with 7 cardinal in the bag instead of 6, must of been my comment on her catching fish skills :lol:.

Bought a breeding net thing to house the bullying female for a day or so, little cruel but there's nothing else i can do :sad:.
Hopefully the hospital tank will be free by then so she can go into there for while and the male will claim some territory back.

The apisto was showing signs of pairing in the plastic box while i was re-scaping, sharing caves ect :grr: lol.

@ Alm0stAwesome there was 3 tanks full of cardinal today :good:
I am so there!! Thanks buddy!

btw minnnt is the resident bad influence - I find it's best if you just don't read his posts...however, I can never resist hehe
Clown plecs are lovely and they're cheap too. The problem is that they hide away ALOT of the time. King Tigers are nice too. Unsure if they would be robust enough if the GT's turned bad though.
Did you manage to get any cardinals? :lol: Mine look cool in my tank now :p

Yeah i've heard alot of people mention that about clown pleco's, more of a plec you'd get for a big community tank with some other species of plec uh.
So far im thinking starlight plec, my GT might not see it as much on some black sand? lol.

The female apisto is currently in the breeding net, had a few flare fights through it with the male but that's now stopped and they just seem to swim side by side, hopefully this is progress? lol.

P.S current stock list updated on the first post.
Was doing a lot of messing around in my tank today so I'm going to go get some tomorrow - you better have left some for me!

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