
I sometimes have trouble navigating this forum, as far as the user info goes. I think I got most of it figured out, but I read a thread about tank info in the profile, which I didn't even know there was a place for. I think I found it, but even now I'm not sure if I'm missing something.

I also know that some people aren't too crazy about sharing personal information, which I can understand. There have been problems with crazy people on another forum that I go to, and now I try to be careful about what personal information I post, and I never put my location until I have been on the forum for awhile and get a feel for the place. You might be suprised at what a person can find out about you from just a little information and the internet.

I know you have to be cautious on the internet but filling in the area won't let people trace you. I doubt whether anyone would be able to trace me on the strength of knowing that I lived in the Cambridgeshire fens. A general area just helps people to know where you are in the world. Of course never use your actual name or phone number.
I dont find it rude at all.

I have my info down, not all of it but some, but I was very hesistant due to past harassment and stalking on the internet from trolls on a parenting website. It was so extreme the police got involved.

So if people want to remain annonymous, thats their buisness. Alot of people do it for protection as well.

I agree that we all have to be careful. See my next post for why. But I know that you live in Australia from your profile. I doubt whether anyone could find you on the strength of knowing that. I expect people know a lot about me on this forum, the area I live in, the fact that I keep poultry etc, They might go to my website where I have my phone number,but other than that, I never divulge anything which would pinpoint me. It's just that I have sometimes gone to offer some help from my little experience, but am frustrated because I might know of just the place to go etc but since I don't know where the poster lives, what area or what continent even, I don't post a reply because it may not be relevant.
I also know that some people aren't too crazy about sharing personal information, which I can understand. There have been problems with crazy people on another forum that I go to, and now I try to be careful about what personal information I post, and I never put my location until I have been on the forum for awhile and get a feel for the place. You might be suprised at what a person can find out about you from just a little information and the internet.

I know you have to be cautious on the internet but filling in the area won't let people trace you. I doubt whether anyone would be able to trace me on the strength of knowing that I lived in the Cambridgeshire fens. A general area just helps people to know where you are in the world. Of course never use your actual name or phone number.

You'd think eh? When I joined up here, some bloke got fed up with me on a thread and attempted to trace me - he did all sorts of searches on me, got my kids names, ages, knew personal details about me - and knew which part of Keighley I lived in - sadly he traced me to the wrong house - and got banned because of it - but it is possible. He threatened to "come and meet me" - this was a bloke who used to be in the army too.

I still filled in my profile though. But I can understand why people dont, and I certainly wouldn't get in a flap over it. Is it really that big a deal? Try asking them. Or if they dont want to tell, you dont have to help them.
That's awful Lisa! That's quite scary to think that someone went to all that hassle to try and find you.
I agree with your last statement, most people will be happy to tell you if you ask them.
But what about updating them? My profile hasn't been updated for some time and is massively out of date ragarding the fish. For this reason I have wiped it as the old list bears no resemblance to the tanks I currently have.

I could update, but I would rather do other things than try and remember exactly what is in each tank.

As to considering it rude and demanding people fill it in before being granted full access to the forums... oh dear, oh dear...
I didn't mean that people should fill in their life story and what they were doing last night, I meant that pre using the forum, it could prompt you to put your country, your tank dimensions and inhabitants.

I see a lot of noobie people asking for help about salt in tanks and salt baths and are given the advice requested on dosing and how to do the baths, the 2 days later you get, why is my plec hiding (This is just an example).

If they'd put their details in then the advisor would've known that they had a scaleless fish in the tank and warned them about salt addition. Also a lot of the meds say they need to be used at half dose with scaleless fish.

The same applies to why is my fish hiding? probably because you've got 8 different aggressive fish but its not in your profile so we don't know!

I'm not particularly interested in which street you live, or if you like to play golf on a saturday evening at 6 and only if it is dark. Just a little basic info helps a long way
I know you have to be cautious on the internet but filling in the area won't let people trace you. I doubt whether anyone would be able to trace me on the strength of knowing that I lived in the Cambridgeshire fens. A general area just helps people to know where you are in the world. Of course never use your actual name or phone number.

AAAhh,but I know where you shop for's only a matter of time!..........

Those of you with sarcasm can drop it, because obviously you have been fortunate enough to not have had the issues some of the rest have (concerning posting info).

I'm not disagreeing with posting tank stats. That is understandable (except for those who stats change often) and I see that you need that information. When I have an issue, I usually remember to give a general area and I post about my tank. I will give a general location in a post, but I will at least make my stalkers work for finding my location then having it convientently listed under my name, lol.

Also, its not like there is a button at the top that says 'tank proflie.' My Assistant, My Profile, My Controls, its rather confusing to someone like me. I would think that 'My Assistant' might help me with post my tank info, lol. Its a great forum setup in that it has many features, but I can't say that its easy to use. :/ (Maybe its just me?) I didn't even know that there was a place to post tank setups until there was a thread on it. I think I figured it out, but it took me awhile to figure it out. It would be useful if when you signed up, it asked you to set up your tank profile, but I bet that alot of people signing up will want to skip it because they already have a problem and want to post about it ASAP because thier fish are unwell. :/
I know you have to be cautious on the internet but filling in the area won't let people trace you. I doubt whether anyone would be able to trace me on the strength of knowing that I lived in the Cambridgeshire fens. A general area just helps people to know where you are in the world. Of course never use your actual name or phone number.

AAAhh,but I know where you shop for's only a matter of time!..........

Well pop in, the kettle is always on :)

Why don't people fill in their profiles? It seems a bit rude to me to post asking for advice without letting people know a little bit about yourself, like where you live for instance. It's a bit like phoning someone but witholding your number.
Does anyone else find anonymous posters a bit of a niggle? :crazy:

Mine's now updated! Just never got round to it before


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