
Have you ever heard of hell week? well its that for about 2 mounths

Actully you have to drown yourself in the water. Like really drown yourself and then your partner has to treat you and then you switch.

Ya I'm wrestling 30s - are you varisty?
Have you ever heard of hell week? well its that for about 2 mounths

Actully you have to drown yourself in the water. Like really drown yourself and then your partner has to treat you and then you switch.

While the above is obviously false, and there are no references anywhere about holding your breath for being a seal (surely they would just get a rebreather if they needed to stay down any length of time in water?) part of me wants to believe that American forces are trained to drown each other. This would explain why they are so good at firing upon their allies.
Wow andy, lol, i took no offense but some people might. You may want to edit that?

And pimp, hell yeah im varsity!! I was seeded 4th in the state last year as a freshman, but got a concussion my first match. lol, i was beating the kid 13-0 too. How old are you? Are you varsity?

Is it a whole lot of swimming? Have any of you seen 'The Guardian' thats a great movie, but if the training is anything like that, i dont know if I could do it. I'm awesome a phisical hard work, but im a whole new person in the water. lol, im a good swiming, but i can tread water for 2 hours. Ican hardly tread at all now, because i had to have surery on my knee. (to pimp) yeah i made it to the championship match at western regionals for 1st and 2nd and tore my miniscus.
Wow andy, lol, i took no offense but some people might. You may want to edit that?
If it wasn't true (as confirmed by coroner's Inquests into the deaths of British troops) then I would consider it, but no one can deny the Americans have an appaling history of "friendly fire" incidents, even to the point of not releasing vital evidence to allow a full investigation into the deaths of UK servicemen.
andy... im sorry but that is what happens and i dont really understand what your saying about americans . obviously you don't like us but nobody else does so....

--- hobbit- everyone is out of shape when they join the seal basically.
my buddies dad had to re apply about 4 times to get in.

damn- did you wrestle before hs?

i'm out of hs but i placed 1st in state my senior year.
Andy, i dont mind, because i am hard to offend, but really. You could get in trouble for this bro..

Yeah pimp, i've wrestled freestyle and greco for a very long time.

In Greco i've taken state 5 times, 4 times in freestyle, 2x in collegate, and im an all american.

That is so awesome that your a state champ! Be proud! What state do you live in?
I hope to be at least a 2 timer. I would love to take it this year, but someone will always show up in the end that i didnt know about, and i'm still young.
i think you have that wrong, because if you drown, you are dead. during hell week, they make you lie down on the beach for i believe a few hours in the cold ocean water while the waves crash over your head. i think this is what you were thinking about. my friend did a research paper on the seals training before, and i remember reading that. you can make fun of american all you want, but you still know we are boss :hey:
ahaha watch out that makes em even more pissed

well the drowing part - its hard to explain- but you basically have to drown. idk

damn-- i think you might even be a 3 timer

im in arizona- the mexicans own the sport down here aha.

you might be a 3 timer- were r u at? iowa?
oh no no no no. Im in Idaho. Last year as a freshman, i had 3 previous state champs in my weight. lol it sucked. Im glad in not in Iowa. Those kids are tough.I had to wrestle a kid from Newyork and from Pennsylvania, and they both beat me. That was at Reno Wordls. I got 6th there. But for some reason lately Idaho has been really tough. I mean, i wrestled the runner up from California state and beat him, but got beat 10 times here last year. Yeah i'm half mexican :shifty:

But im the first in my family to wrestle, so its cool. That training souds tough, but not impossible. Im sure the salt would begin to burn though.
ya down in arizona we arnt nearly as good as the guys back east. we once had a kid move from Michigan and he took state all 4 yars and went undeafted all for years....

you also gotta be smart for the seals- i think u gotta learn certain languages..
yeah i could do that. The seals i mean. I actually wannted to be in the Special Forces if i couldnt do something in the Ocean. But i want to support a family. lol. Bad. I've almost got spanish down with my dad being mexi. Those eastern kids are good. I've beat my fair share though. I like to travel just to make a name for myself. lol, im feared in Oregon, cuase i ended a two timers winning spree pretty bad. And i beat another state champ from there. lol, im kinda know in all the states around Idaho just from the regional tournaments and stuff.
another sick job --- a sniper- always wanted to be 1
You can only hold yoru breath for 2min? Join the seals, they'll teach you how to go for 5+ ;)
wow. lol, probably wouldnt be the nicest way of teaching though, huh?
Yeah a sniper would be nice, i've liked the idea of that forever, but i'd probably end up being a phsyco that has shellshock. ANd i wanna be a family man. lol.
But they are amazing if sniping doesnt ruin them. my friends dad was one, and he has serious shoulder problems from the kick of his rifle.

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