
The sports conversation posts have now been removed to the sports section in Other Hobbies, the other useless crap has been deleted.

well its all good i baiscally won ever argument on this page
reference to pure oxygen on scuba

Strictly prohibited if you breath pure 100 percent oxygen at any presure greater than 1 ata (sea level) you are asking for trouble, oxygen toxcity can occure at any depth without warning in addition you may induce oxygen narcosis(much the same as nitrogen narcosis) which can lead to you making fatal decisions, but oxygen toxicty isnt the killer CNS toxicity is (central nervous system) in just about every case recorded this has caused death, recreational diving goes to a maximum of 40 percent oxygen (commonly known as nitrox or eanx) beyond that is tech diving where there are other parameters to consider including decompression stops most likely re-breathers would be used if its not commercial, if its commercial it would be saturation diving where while at the surface you would be in a hyperbaric chamber (of sorts) to keep the nitrogen gas in solution so that there is no risk of the nitrogen returning to its gas form inducing the bends.

Besides the impossibility of you obtaining 100 percent oxygen (in th UK anyway!) remember this stuff is highly highly flamable and any equipment that comes into contact with it would have to be specifically designed to work with pure oxygen as it is also corrosive.

Are you a qualified recreational diver? if not i would seriously consider getting qualified before i do anything firstly to check your ok with scuba kit etc and secondly to get some experience

other than that have you ever used any photographic equipment underwater? if not start reading (martin edge is probably best author on this subject) as most of what you learn on land goes out the window underwater and dont forget these people that photograph underwater have been doing it for years with poor pay until they make a name for themselves.

Think your beeing a bit naive to think that underwater photography is something you can just walk into and get paid, besides that the equipment will cost £1000s/$1000s of which you have to have your own none of this borrowing kit that most people think they can do, sorry me getting carried away dont mean to sound nasty but you need to really think about it.

other types of diving include search and rescue, commercial and recreational unless you have megga bucks to travel the world like the great jaque cousteau and his diving partner emelle ganyon (dont think i spelt that right by a long shot!)
hey. I was on pimps team too. and we're winners. I think. Hes already gone all the way. he has a kid. So we win.

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