Post Your Favorite Fish Picture!

I have elements too.  I barely use it anymore.  I use lightroom for everything from fish to people to animals, ect....  One of the best things about it is everything you do to a photo isn't permanent like elements.
Ryan10 said:
I have elements too.  I barely use it anymore.  I use lightroom for everything from fish to people to animals, ect....  One of the best things about it is everything you do to a photo isn't permanent like elements.
Oh that's sweet.  I love how just a little bit of the actual green background comes through.  Don't think I can do that (at least not easily) with my ancient software!  LOL   How long would you say it took you to do that?
It took me less than 10 minutes.  It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
My favorite at the moment is one i just took of my platinum gourami
Ryan10 said:
It took me less than 10 minutes.  It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

That's great. Will definitely look into Lightroom.

Alasse said:
My favorite at the moment is one i just took of my platinum gourami
Great pic Alasse. Beautiful fish the yellow highlights throughout the body.
The colors on the gourami are great.  Very nice.
I have always just used cheap or free editing software online. Seeing what you can do with lightroom makes me want it though!!
Alasse said:
My favorite at the moment is one i just took of my platinum gourami
Beatiful platinum! So many colors.
My favorite so far.
Hootie - Red Devil
A new pic of the gourami

And my new goldie
:wub: They're both stunning Alasse!

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