Post Your Favorite Fish Picture!

EllieJellyEllie said:
Anyone know how to get a nice picture with a Canon Powershot SD750?
Hey Ellie. I'm not familiar with that camera but I did a quick search and I don't think your camera has the setting I mentioned above but it does have a manual setting so you can try playing around with that to see if you can control your aperture or your shutter speed. I did notice your camera has an aquarium mode!! So you can try that if you haven't already! :)
Rak9378 said:
Trust me for every half decect pic I post there were 25 crappy ones that came before or after!! Lol.
I think this is true of every decent "photographer" (professional or otherwise)!  People always ask how the pictures turn out so good and I tell them they should have seen the other 30 that look almost identical but don't quite have that look I was trying to get.  I can go to the zoo, take 200 pictures, and maybe like 10 of them enough to touch up and post on a photosharing website.
Great photos guys, makes me want to buy a better camera. 

Here's one of mine taken with phone...

L092 Woodeating pleco
Named Jiggle by my youngest son because that's kinda what he does right across the front of the tank, best pic I can get of any of my fish thanks to the cucumber 
Many of these are old ones, but I really loved the fish and the photos of them so apologies for the pic spam. 

Nova, my red dragon marbled boy.

Loved his color. 

Poor guy just couldnt get it right. 

tried a different lady...


Vlad, the "female" from Walmart... 

My royal blue fella. 

Another Walmart "Female"

Om nom nom nom. My fancy goldie in my little pond. 

A different perspective of the spawning process. This tank was covered on all sides so I had no other way to see if they were spawning. Nova needed his privacy I suppose. 

That would have been decent if it were not for the water spot. 


Giant nest. 

So much so it lifted the leaf. LOL.

And last of the domestics, my butterfly male. He was a cross of two top breeder lines. He was quite a looker in real life. 
Ill post the wilds next time
They're all beautiful! I love the spawning pics.
I also love the axolotl. I want a black one some day and to name it Toothless :p
majerah1 said:
Many of these are old ones, but I really loved the fish and the photos of them so apologies for the pic spam. 
No apologies necessary!! 
  The nesting pics are really cool!!
AirFarce - Great pic!
I fed my fish some corn last night and tried to get a picture of them eating.  I had fasted them the day before so it was like a feeding frenzy...I managed to get this shot of one of the Tigers trying to hide in the plants and enjoy his you can see his cover was blown.  LOL
wow, very very nice. How long has this project taken you/been going on?
Question for the experienced photo sharers here:
How are you all saving/importing your images for the best quality?
File type? Flickr Imports? url?
Simply scaling the images to fit the 300 takes a lot out of the photos. So far I've found the Flickr url's to work the best.

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