Post Pics Of Your Beautiful Bettas Here!

Like the size you would see in an average pet store. Like petco.Well just how long does it takefor them to get about 2 cm. My petco sells cute little 2 cm baby bettas that have potential and I may get one but how old are they really? :huh:
Cool. That auction on page 1 of the bettas I wanted says they are 3.5 months so I wonder how big they are.
Well, the breeders that you are buying from probably use many different and more nutritional foods, and proper housing while the breeders that Petco is buying from probably don't do those things, so the Betta that you want from AB will be bigger than a 3.5 month old Betta from petco
I'm curious.....would maybe switching Ice to the 10g and flare to the 3g for a little while maybe give ice time to heal? Maybe he will quit eating himself...

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