Post Oscar Pic's Here!

Mako Man111

Jun 11, 2006
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I'll post a pic of mine later, cause my current pics are a bit out dated. But post yours so we can all see these awsome fish :)
Here are some old pics of my Aristotle


Full breeding display (older pic)

Brand new addition... this is Sappho. She's a REALLY personable oscar from work that I decided to claim when I saw a 12 year old say he wanted her; this after I've been working with her for a month now. That same day, a guy with a 10 gallon tried to buy her, so I have no regrets about putting her on hold! She's tiny right now and in a 20g long, but will be moved to a 40 gallon when I have time to set it up, then upgraded to a 150g or so with Aristotle when she gets larger and can handle that 14" monster. Hopefully they'll make a good pair.

Not really that pretty as oscars go, but probably the most intelligent one I've ever seen. She has NO fear of hands in her tank whatsoever, and is a very quick learner.
Oh no vancouver, so sorry to hear that, they are really special fish :(
hey SamnUK how does hercules cope with the convicts? is there only one or a pair? I have a couple and i wanna either get a oscar or JD in a 75 to go with them.
well hes had 13 cons in the tank with him at one point and out of them there was 3 pairs.

they didnt seem to bother him much and when they tried he jus kinda told em to get lost and ignored them.

he is a big brute tho cos ive heard of some oscars running scared.
here's a couple of Oscar yesterday. he's getting on for 2 years old now :blink: gosh just worked that out didn't think he was that old! :lol:

colours not looking the best cos he was sulking just after a water change :rolleyes:



and with his bessie mate polly

NoName the oscar over the months we had him (now moved on to new pastures, but wish I still had him):

Dec 2005


Jan 06


Feb 06


March 06

May 06

June 06

Goes to show how quickly they grow. He was about 2" when we got him, and probably around 8"+ when he left us in June/July.
Wow LisaLQ, that's one of the most beautiul Oscar's I've seen. What type is he? We want to get an Oscar and turn our 480 litre tank into a nice home for one. I would love to get one that has those colours. It's a shame you had to re-home him, he is lovely :wub:
nice pics every1 i cant put 1 cause i haevbe none but ill try get some soon
Wow LisaLQ, that's one of the most beautiul Oscar's I've seen. What type is he? We want to get an Oscar and turn our 480 litre tank into a nice home for one. I would love to get one that has those colours. It's a shame you had to re-home him, he is lovely :wub:

Thanks :D He was a bog standard red oscar (well, species wise, he wasn't bog standard to us!) :) They only come in three types round here - red, tiger or albino - I've not seen a gold or a flame or anything (whatever they are?!).

I rehomed him back in the summer with my vieja intermedium, convicts and other fish in my big cichlid tank. Miss him tonnes, was probably the biggest mistake I made. Now set up a bigger cichlid tank with 3 x 2" baby sevs (fingers crossed they'll stay as a threesome, but the gold and one of the red shouldered/rottkeils have decided they're best friends and picked on the other red shouldered a little in their old tank - moved into the big one tonight so we'll see how it goes) and many of my plecs. It was supposed to be a plec species tank but I couldn't resist more cichlids. Bad bad me. :blush: Like I said, getting rid of my O and intermedium was the biggest mistake I made in fish keeping. Not only because I sold them for a pittance and have since found out my intermedium was worth a fair bit! :lol:

I'd get another oscar if I had the patience and filtration - but with my plecs, it's asking for bother - and I love my sevs too much to part with them now. :wub:

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