Portinho Da Arrábida - Uma Vista De Troia

Yeah I'm not keen on the stand either lol

I'll have you know that is my latest idea. I was intending to market this stand as a competitor to the ADA industrial style ones. Oh well back to the drawing board. Thought that one was gonna fed the kids for a while but........
I've been struggling away with teh CO2 the past few days. intermittant and non consistant bubble rates etc. I changed the check valve from the posh steel one to a cheapo plastic one and bubble rate was good again. thought I'd sorted it so I left it but today it was funny again.

So I thought I would shorten all the hoses and change to another check valve. bubble counter snapped on me. lol. It must have had a fracture on it. So I rigged up the DIY one (made from scratch in all of 2 minutes from a 500ml bottle with 2 holes in the lid) and away she goes.

bps is 0.5 (1 bubble every 2 seconds) where it was 2-3bps before. however there is much more CO2 coming out of the lily pipe. may have to turn it down further.

These inline Ups really are amazing. The inline Boyu I used a few years ago was good and I had to use 2bps instead of 3 with the disc however 0.5 and maybe still moving it down? that is crazy :)

disclaimer: 0.5bps from this SIY bubble counter may actually be 1 or 2bps from the old one. Will not know but a new BC is ordered. different one., Its an Up one. lol

what is the working pressure on your reg? I have read people having to manually up the working pressure to get a decent bubble count. As you know i have one of these coming, so quite looking forward to it!
what is the working pressure on your reg? I have read people having to manually up the working pressure to get a decent bubble count. As you know i have one of these coming, so quite looking forward to it!

I've read that too. I don't believe that though. They used to say you couldn't get enough pressure from DIY to use a glass ceramic disc diffuser. I managed it with a single Nutrafin kit.

I have my bubble rate at about 20 bubbles per minute now (0.33) turned it down because DC was bordering yellow. My reg is readng 1.7Bar (25psi) so that means it shouldn't be working. lol

So not only am I useing LEDs for lighting consuming a third of the nergy for the same light as others. I am now using CO2 at about a tenth of what I would have used with a ceramic disc diffuser. This 2kg is gonna last 2 years+ at this rate. lol

lol. not while TFF is loading up and processing so slowly. Will wait until whatever problem is gets sorted out. Is taking several back buttons and reattempts to post simple messages like this.

Oh dear, weird tho I'm on an iPhone and not had any trouble yet with the site.
I'm having issues on and off with it too. Both phone and comp. Wondering if its a server issue or if they are doing upgrades.
Quick question Andy, what you feeding your Rasbora's?
I feed the same as always

At lights on I feed top quality TA aquaculture flake crumbled

Mid photoperiod I add 6 or 7 algae pellets + a sprinkle of Standard grade (I think grade 3 size) astex crumb (like Tetra Prima)

Then just before lights out I am feeding grade 1 astax crumb which they love. Grade 1 is almost powder which I have for feeding fry.

I always over feed with no worries. I like fat fish :)

These photos are from 26th July when the tank was just over 2 weeks old. Was getting ready for the new baby birth so a bit late puttting them up :)

They are shots from between 10:30pm and 11pm in the photoperiod. I can tell that because the 'sunset' stagger has gotten to just the last series of lights. The moonlights are showing up on the left hand side.

There are a few pics of the corys here too. They love night time and are getting ready for overdrive.





The scape is now 5 weeks old and not a huge amount to report with regards to plant growth. Remember the Bolbitus you see all around the tank is just added plantmass and not actually part of the scape. They are removable quite easily as they are attached to pebbles. The same goes for the few small pieces of Needle fern on the left and right hand 'flat' rocks.

The flame moss is taking off really well but not spreading horizontally much as of yet. the Fissidens a similar result where they are looking very healthy now but very slowly spreading outwards.

The Boraras are now all Maculatus. No Merah left in there. There are 15 in all and that has been stable for the last 3 weeks. They are starting to school as a group too which is nice.

This Maculatus is very coloured up. The others not as much as this. I think this is alpha No1 :)






Thats really coming on mate!

Those Cory's are great, have you got any fry yet?
Thats really coming on mate!
Lol. The 'actual' scape isn't really much different to a month ago. The new back lighting looks good though. Much better than in the pics above.

Those Cory's are great, have you got any fry yet?
Not since a few years ago. Been coming up as duds each time but then I need to sort out where I put the net. The last succesful batch were next to a Koralia so had good flow directly next to them. May have to put the net opposite the Lily or on the front glass next time.


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