Please Make Them Stop

Well another cold front, another spawn. Only about ten eggs this time. Maybe she's running down for a bit? She was only kind of interested, but he was gung ho again.
The two little ones are starting to look more like cories now.
Sorry for lack of pictures but camera on phone is rubbish.
Well the eggs hatched. Have too see if any fry survive.
My wife, who isn't much interested in fish is upset that we are down to two fry from the last batch.
Three weeks old and roaming the tank.
Hey, at least you got two survivors!! I call that a rip-roaring success.
Yeah my cory shoal is up to 5, but it's the shallow end of the gene pool.
Looks like it'll be bronze for a while.
And Spouse you jinxed me WalMart now has tanks of peppered.
What can I say? Of all the cory I have, those turned out to be the hardiest, and they're still spawning!
Well another cold front, and courtship.
This time it seems he has a headache.

Oh yeah of course WalMart has tanks of peppered cory. If the footprint of the tank was bigger I would go for two shoals.
The fish shop I go to has a tank of baby pygmies. I've been thinking about them for a while now, I might have to pick up a group of them. Anyone ever keep pygmies? I've checked and it seems like the have the same preferences as the cories I have now.....  :shifty:
One of my lfs had cory habrosus a while back, but tank wasn't up and running.
Haven't kept em yet, but desperatly want some.
Such cute little boogers.
They are sweet. Wouldn't mind having a couple dozen meself.
Woke up to find empty egg sacs on the side of my 55g this morning. That hasn't happened in months.
Nope. All empty.
And no, I didn't rip the tree out of the tiger tank. 

But there are about 10 intact eggs on my 20g!
Good on ya bout the eggs, fingers crossed.

As for the tree. Well, as a spouse myself, I am used to being asked for an opinion and then ignored.
But I think that has something to do with women's brains.
I don't start them....I just help them bloom, yeah that's it.

By the way have you seen the one in. Considering getting cories? Bless Snazy's heart.
Yes, I was following that one for a while until it went from ridiculous to sublime. Wowie. Snazy is the voice of reason, and I really admire her for keeping her head about her in nearly all instances. Good for her.

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