Please Make Them Stop

No, not fretting over trying to raise fry. Don't have the time or space to do it properly.
Yeah planning on upping the numbers from the lfs.

Making them stop was a joke. I just have never had cory get this frisky this much. I have one from a previous spawn, a bronze/albino mix, so in essence just a bronze. I didn't know it was there til it popped out from a clump of java fern roots.

At present they are alone, just so I don't have to catch a slew of fish to move the tank. Planning a loose S.A. biotype.
Also noticed egg eating during first couple of go rounds, but as they got the hang of it that stopped. And have found more eating of fry when feeding them shrimp, but that just may be mine.
Out of the last group of 100+ eggs had one survivor, so not a bad ratio, seeing as I am not fussing over them.

Stitches come out in another day. Can't wait, am not a lefty and doing the paperwork after going potty is awkward.

And yep Bogart, Georgia, U.S.A., just down the road from UGA.
I just had another spawn where the female FINALLY laid some eggs on a plant leaf, so I plucked the leaf and put it in a net under the filter outflow. Now I'm crossing fingers.
I'd say you don't have to do a thing but see what happens. In the year I've had the current setup with just peppers I've probably had 50+ spawns and NO survivors. Heck, I'd love to get some out of this batch!
Glad you kept all your fingers 
Good luck with the spawn. Yeah, I have noticed them ignore the eggs more on a leaf than on the glass.
Love peppers, but availability is spotty here. I can always find bronze and albinos. Pandas have popped up lately, but too few in number, I saw four, and they were iffy.

On a side note did a water test, (first since August), have found a lot about keeping nitrates(NO3), as low as possible for breeding.
Ammonia(NH3/NH4) 0ppm
Nitrite(NO2) 0ppm
Nitrate(NO3) 20ppm
pH 6.4
Rock steady. That's why I don't test unless curious or have a problem.

I may actively try breeding at some point, but need to free up room for more tanks.
The way I see it, if I can get some fry to up the numbers in my tank, so much the better. I don't often see peppers for sale, and I have plenty of bronze (plus a few other species thrown in) so if some of these make it, hooray for me. But I'm not holding my breath. As I said, I've had this tank for quite a while and haven't had a pepper fry yet, at least not one that has survived. Hmm. Maybe I should check my filter (where I found about 50 shrimp the last time I cleaned it!).
JenCliBee said:
Good luck This Old Spouse with the peppers and frapadoodle, i wish you no luck at all lol ;).
Already have the luck of a dead frog.

Spouse, cory fry have been found alive and well in external filters before.
frapadoodle said:
No worries on my end.
I agree one cannot be offended unless they choose to be.
Perhaps too many assumptions are being made. And sarchasm doesn't translate well into print.
Corys can be sexed by size and shape from above, as well as shape of the pelvic fins, the way they sit on the substrate, and best of all the T formation while breeding.
The plan was to only have the low number of cory for a week at most, but one handed, that got delayed longer. Yes the numbers will be upped to 8-10.
Frapadoodle was my dog, not the one in my avatar, who suicided by running into traffic.
Anyway, had a problem with advice given elsewhere on this forum.
And the title was meant to be a joke.
No sarcasm really doesn't translate well into print but now I see where you were coming from lol. Sorry about that. Was just a bit of a shock. If you saw them breeding and saw the T position then that's a reliable way to sex them. I was saying that the shape, size, pelvic and way they rest aren't always definite. I had a big adult male that looked feminine in all those ways... Till I saw him breeding with my female :lol:
yikes! Haven't been on the forum in a day or so, so I didnt see this. I was not nearly serious about you being insensitive about a single cory. my apologies for my sense of humor not getting translated. but in my defense, i even made a joke about not losing a finger.  
No worries, when folks see the bandages I get the standard question of "what happened?" So straight faced I tell them honestly "I tried to cut my fingers off."
Just stirrin the puddin.
Yeah sometimes humor doesn't always translate well into text.

Anyway no real fuss about the eggs, I don't think they quite have the hang of it yet.
it's good fun to joke about injuries lol a friend of mine actually did cut the tip of his thumb off. He heard about that for a long time, still does occasionally 
Well seems there was joy in Mudville.
Counted three wrigglers at feeding time. Guess we'll see how it goes.

I checked my net yesterday morning, and it was empty. No eggs, no wrigglers, no nothin'. So I decided to clean out the filter just in case, and nothing there but lots of shrimpies. 
All I can figure is that they hatched, got out of the net and were promptly consumed by Mister Flying Fox. 
Haven't checked the filter yet. Still somewhat onehanded. But there were a mess of eggs by the intake.
No real worries of them getting eaten, only cories, and lots of small hiding spots.
Well a good filter clean.
No babies, but it sure needed it. Little boogers are fine roaming around as well.
Almost of the mind not to finish the cabinet and move the tank. They are so happy trying to restock it themselves, I don't know if I want to upset the balance. Well anyway will have to wait till these are big enough to catch and move.
While moving them now may be okay, catching something I can see, but much better with a magnifying glass, in a four foot tank, isn't my idea of fun at present.
Well after three days of no sign, two babies got active at feeding time.
With a magnifying glass you can tell they're cories.
And to continue the G theme, Glory is three months old, my wife named them Grace and Goliath.

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