Please Help My Favourite Fish Is Dying!

It's not nice i've done it, not long if they are in a bad way, but sometimes they jump, it up to you, but it won't be nice.
sounds awful and if it is ur fave fish i think it would be better to just to let nature take care of it
you never know take care of him in his own bowl and ha may just get better
well if you can be certain of what it is get a treatment for it as i find they are more of a prevention and maybe do a partial water change
that would be usefull i am no expert but im sure at least one of us can help
That fish is beyond help sorry.
Hold the fish the right way up and look down on it. Do the eys look like they are sticking out more than normal and do the scales around the belly look like they are standing out?

Swimbladder can be treated if it is a dietary problem and starving the fish will see if it is.

If its bacterial then you need to look at the size of tank you have and how often you clean it plus water stats. if you dont have tests for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph then you pet shop can do that for you if you take some water in.

As for ending its life I would never recommend any alcohol as it hurts the fish before it suffocates which is why the fish will jump.

Put the fish in its own bowl if you have one and it will probably pass in its own good time.
i never knew what alchohol did i have never used it i just heard it somewhere i would not recommend it
Ok, sorry but when a fish lays on it back, well never seen one spring aback to full health.
If a fish arches its back into a c shape then there is no hope but if its on its back it could right itself with warm water and no food to see if the gut can clear itself. Three days is long enough to see if it can save itself.
Usually though I would agree that a fish on its back isnt a good sign so you should prepare yourself for the worse.

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