Please Help My Favourite Fish Is Dying!

Sorry the fish is suffering it's dying sorry, i would end it's suffering.

My orange pip layed on her back for days like that not nice, it the end nothing to be done.
the tail slowly rots away and the ends look tattered and some of the fins do the same if your fish has those symptoms quarantine it then get some treatment from your local pet shop it probably cant be treated as my fish died of it but you could prevent it infecting your other fish
It sounds a bit harsh to kill it but if you cant find out what is wrong with it soon then it may be the best thing
Clove oil but i doubt you have any.
can you issolate the fish.
It's swim bladder and it on it last legs.
if you don't have any clove oil, other humane ways of euthanizing are to decapitate it or to destroy its brain by crushing it. Even though they sound inhumane, the fish dies very quickly. Other than that, i would recomend going out and quickly getting clove oil. It is avaliable at most pharmacies (from chemists? in UK) and at health food stores.
just do what you can for the fish and if it does die at least you tried
You can use vodka but it awful to watch, just keep her in a quite place and let her pass peacefully.
no more than a few days i would have thought but i would remove it from your main tank sorry didnt see the vodka bit a few mins i would have thought

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