Please Can Some Tell Me Wot Sex These Are


Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2005
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hi all well ive got my fish, but the guy in the shop didnt realy know what he was doing i dont think, he keep saying well i think thats right, Mmmm maybe and thing like that so i just need the sexes comfirming please it should be 1 male, 3 females, there is on that is a hell of a lot bigger than the other three my guess is, thats the man,

there are other pics in my msn of theses fish

im sorry but ive posted this in general chat as well did that first with out thinking
hi all well ive got my fish, but the guy in the shop didnt realy know what he was doing i dont think, he keep saying well i think thats right, Mmmm maybe and thing like that so i just need the sexes comfirming please it should be 1 male, 3 females, there is on that is a hell of a lot bigger than the other three my guess is, thats the man,

there are other pics in my msn of theses fish

im sorry but ive posted this in general chat as well did that first with out thinking

Tanganyikan cichlids right? so long as they are not babies and since one is a lot bigger that is a good indicator that its the male. also the males dorsal fin come to more of a point.

I believe that these cichlids are "shell dwellers" so some nice big shells will make them quite happy!

hope it helps a bit!

p.s. im not very knoledgeable about cichlids so try to find out a bit more info about sexing.
Size is the best way to tell the sex if the fish isn't too young. Brevis are monogomous, so the male should end up sharing a shell with one of the females.

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