Planted Fluval Spec


Team TetraTEC
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Oxford - UK
Ok so i was bored at work today and spent most of it reading planted journals on the UKaps forums. I stumbled over some guys Planted Fluval Specs on youtube and though i would dig up the spec i got ages ago which until now, has been unused. Soooo, popped into an MA on the way home and picked up the following:

Fluval Stratum and some EasyCarbo

Hemianthus callitrichoides x 1
Pogostemon helferi x 2
Rotala wallichii x 2

...and a Rock!




Rocks and Hc:

Filled and done for tonight:

I've no idea if i can keep the HC going with Easycarbo, hence i only picked up one to try.

I've never grown Pogostemon in my life, same with the Rotala, i just thought they looked nice and picked them out of the tank! :D

I couldnt find any wood, but i do plan to find something to add some height.

Going to order some little squirty bottles to dose it every day.

Im going to give it a few weeks to see what the HC does, then grab some mature media from my externals and order some Shrimp.

No heater in here at the moment, but i have found a small one i can hide in the back with the filter pump.

For now, thats it! But wood/moss something else to add height inc, the Ludwigia Peruviana in the first pic is now in my big tank....was a little too chunky for this. Its about 6 litres. :eek:


you won't need a heater. :good:
He spent most of the day reading UKAPS, TFF and messaging me he means :D

Looks good Pete, Aqua has just got some new batches of manzanita wood in by the way.

If you can find a red plant that will suit this little tank it will look good at the back near the big rock.

I am however worried that the big clump in the middle may over power the tank and block out the back area. Only time will tell.

Where you buying the bottles from ? This place, sells some nice chrome squirty bottles.

Again looks good Pete, i look forward to updates :)

He spent most of the day reading UKAPS, TFF and messaging me he means :D

Looks good Pete, Aqua has just got some new batches of manzanita wood in by the way.

If you can find a red plant that will suit this little tank it will look good at the back near the big rock.

I am however worried that the big clump in the middle may over power the tank and block out the back area. Only time will tell.

Where you buying the bottles from ? This place, sells some nice chrome squirty bottles.

Again looks good Pete, i look forward to updates :)


lol, hes right :D it was a slow day!

Yeah i read the same thread recommending ampulla :D Gonna grab a couple.

The rock is a bit of a place holder if you like, if i find some wood, it will probably go.
Why can't you just go and get a syringe from your local pharmacy for pence?

And Pete sounds like a typical C.A.'s name... :shifty:

you won't need a heater. :good:

i was thinking the same, its certainly not big enough for any fish, well actually a Betta might work but i'd rather not.

Why can't you just go and get a syringe from your local pharmacy for pence?

And Pete sounds like a typical C.A.'s name... :shifty:

syringe means fiddling around, one squirt from this is easier!!

Plus the bottle looks cool ;)

I like this, I saw these a few months ago, I wouldn't mind one to be honest, but the price :sick:
Unsure how a syringe is fidley tbh, but each to there own...
open bottle, pickup syringe, suck up liquid, squirt it in, put it down, close bottle. :|

pickup bottle, squirt bottle, put down bottle. :D easier!

Plus the bottle looks cool ;)

I like this, I saw these a few months ago, I wouldn't mind one to be honest, but the price :sick:

I dont even know why i got one :| I think i just bought it and chucked it in a cupboard. i wouldnt buy another, would far prefer a 30x30x30 cube with a curved glass edge.
you have beautiful hands :lol:

I'm with miiiiiiint, a syringe is not really hassle, but I presume you know the exact dosage that the pump you have delivers?

How much was it? I could've got you one for free - I develop them sometimes for my job.

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