Pitbull Plecs....


Are you sure thats a pitbull? body markings look a lot different to me.


If you want more pitbulls then go to plecoaquatics.co.uk site and drop marcus an email

He will ship and wont be cheap but they are top quality adult wild caught and well kept.

This is 1 of my 4:

awww wicked....I actually had a stroke of bad luck when I got mine, it looked healthy but 2 days later I had a nasty case of fin rot in my tank :(
regrowth is luckily doing well, apart from a small relapse to my betta a couple of days ago which seems to have stopped or be stopping again (may be the tetra's fault for pestering him)....then my tank fell fowl to ich another two days later.....so currently for obvious reasons I do't want to add anymore until I know that my tank is healthy.

But thanks for that and I will definately get one from there......*sorely tempted by zebra plecos now, and clown plecos*

Any idea if my pitbull would be ok with either of those??
bummer the email function on their website won't work :(
has he got an account on here or an actual email address??
This is Marcus' ebay store. Contact seller and he should have pitbulls from the same wildcaught bunch as mine were for £9.50each + shipping.

He breeds Zebs but would think he charges a lot for them to strangers.


I wouldn't put Zebras in any tank with other botom feeders and pitbulls are probs the worst mates other than common plecs. Pitbulls are total scavengers and will get to the food before the zebra. I dont think yours is a pitbull though. There are many cases of 'imposters' coming in with the batches of pitbulls a gold spot or something which is what yours looks like. Just as nice a fish and I would think a little rarer, but not a pitbull.

No idea on the Clown.

I just got a sociable group of 4, was happy with them and will be until they get to their graves in many years (I hope)

Good Luck
This is Marcus' ebay store. Contact seller and he should have pitbulls from the same wildcaught bunch as mine were for £9.50each + shipping.

He breeds Zebs but would think he charges a lot for them to strangers.


I wouldn't put Zebras in any tank with other botom feeders and pitbulls are probs the worst mates other than common plecs. Pitbulls are total scavengers and will get to the food before the zebra. I dont think yours is a pitbull though. There are many cases of 'imposters' coming in with the batches of pitbulls a gold spot or something which is what yours looks like. Just as nice a fish and I would think a little rarer, but not a pitbull.

No idea on the Clown.

I just got a sociable group of 4, was happy with them and will be until they get to their graves in many years (I hope)

Good Luck
Ok thanks.....do pitbull's change colour? Mine camouflages itself quite often dependant of where he's sat.....since that picture was taken, he now spends most of his time being a patchy dark brown colour, as he spends his time going round my bogwood and plants :)
If mine is a gold spot.....what sort of size would he get to?
I got a pitbull because of the fact that it would stay small, my tank is only about 50 litres in size.
Ok thanks.....do pitbull's change colour? Mine camouflages itself quite often dependant of where he's sat.....since that picture was taken, he now spends most of his time being a patchy dark brown colour, as he spends his time going round my bogwood and plants :)
If mine is a gold spot.....what sort of size would he get to?
I got a pitbull because of the fact that it would stay small, my tank is only about 50 litres in size.

Pitbulls do change colour. The one in the pic in the previous post has lightened himself a little to blend in with the sand. sometimes they go so light you can hardly see their markings.

When they are in darker areas they have their 'true' markings but Im struggling to find any pics of them like this. lol

I found a post from a few months ago where someone else got an 'imposter' which was a dwarf gold spot and I can 100% say yours isn't a dwarf gold spot. It may be a pitbull and the pic is deceiving but it looks a little slim to me and the markings look a little different to the ones Ive always seen.

Smiths the man so he'll confirm it is or not. lol

I'll get another pic of him asap too, he's not fully grown yet either if that helps....he's bigger since that picture but still not fully grown :)
hello all :)

Yep its a pitbull - they look just like ours did when we got them as juviniles - now they are adults they look just like SC's :)

I was also one of the people with the imposter ;)

here are ours as juviniles, adults and the dwarf gold spot ;)



awww they are awesome....I can't wait for my tank to get the all clear from ich so I can add more....gonna wait til it's clear and then give it another couple of weeks for luck :)

Also trying to find a suitable non fin nipping replacement for my tetra as they are getting too picky with my betta. :rolleyes:
There ya go. told ya smiths the man. lol

Mine mustve had 'mature' colours when I got them. They weren't fully grown at that time as they are no much bigger (and fatter. lol)

Learn something everyday.

I think it was Germ who was the other person that got a gold spot.

thanks guys!

I can see how the gold spot could be mistaken for them....very similar looking fish apart from the pattern.....do the pitbulls accept him as another pitbull?
thanks guys!

I can see how the gold spot could be mistaken for them....very similar looking fish apart from the pattern.....do the pitbulls accept him as another pitbull?

nope - they live in different parts of the tank... :(
awww rubbish....I will stick with getting another pitbull then :) I am quite fond of him!

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