Pico Tank Diary

I was thinking about figuring out a way to make a sump for it so maybe i can make it more stable. My other plan was to see how long well it would do in the long run. If it does fine after about a year with weekly 15oz water changes, i might think of giving one to my little cousin to get him into fish keeping.

So youre using seawater from Half Moon Bay for a tropical setup? Didnt think that was possible.

Also what LFS do you go to? I live in Hawaii but Im from the Bay Area....just curious...when I go back.
Aquatic central on 1963 ocean ave in san francisco, its near ccsf. Its filtered half moon bay water and it costs 79c a gallon(worth it for nanos) I go to this fish shop often because of the high quality stock, clean tanks, rare fish, and good prices. There is a discount on saturdays too. Check out 6th ave aquarium on clement if you want to be shocked with really cheap half dead sick fish that are cyanide caught. There is an unforgettable stench in the store. These 2 reasons alone is probably what caused them to be rated the worst fish store in the bay area.

If you like going downtown more, go to ocean aquarium at 2150 polk st. Best freshwater around here, ask for justin, he knows a whole lot(no saltwater though) If you visit chinatown, go to pet central at 660 broadway, you cant miss it because of the huge sign. It is a pretty nice store, but you dont get any discount if you buy in bulk, and there are times when they are just plain crap. Also visit new crystal aquarium if you are down on broadway, its just above pet central, 736. Not much variety here, but sometimes they have some nice fish.

Those are the only fs i can think of right now because its like 1 am in the morning. I guarantee you will enjoy going to aquatic central, ocean aquarium, pet central, and maybe new crystal. If you like 6th ave, i dont know what to say.
70x flow is nothing compaired to the ocean, just make sure the pressure isn't right on the colony :) Flow does not neccesarly= pressure :)
Well, i added new pieces to the tank. I got a nice piece of ricordea florida and some purple shrooms.





Does anybody know of a very small heater?
I have never seen really small heaters. Probably the best option would be to get a heat mat to go underneath the tank or to get a heating cable that can go under the substrate.
.5 :lol: its been running for about 1.5 months already and everything is fine. Zoas are starting to spread around the rocks and shells too so im guessing everybody is happy in there. :good:

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