Ph Nightmare

Do a test for ph from your cold tap water.
The person at the fish store apparently knows nothing about fish. The only fish I can think of that would even possibly have any problem wth a pH of 72 would be discus and true altum angels who both prefer slightly acidic water. Neutral is 7.0 so your pH is only slightly higher than that. That's just an average pH.
Sounds like the lfs guy was trying to sell you some phosphate-loaded buffer crap. A pH of 7.2 is, for all practical (as in, outside a research or diagnostic lab) purposes, completely neutral.
Sounds like the lfs guy was trying to sell you some phosphate-loaded buffer crap. A pH of 7.2 is, for all practical (as in, outside a research or diagnostic lab) purposes, completely neutral.
done another test today and ph is about between 7.6 and 7.2 tested tap water and it is the same ph :unsure:
Don't worry about it; just do another ph test when the cycle has finished. Sounds like you've got a right genius in your LFS.

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