Pet Hates

You just reminded me of another one of my peeves. People who let their dogs crap in my yard and don't clean it up. I don't own a dog! I should not step in dog crap when I go in my backyard!!

That drives me nuts too.
I've had dogs all my life & always cleaned up after them
I walk a friends dog now & always take pop scoop bags with me & clean up after it.
It's part of being a responsible dog owner/walker.
I even accost people & offer them a bag if I see their dog poop & they make no attempt to clean up, needless to say sometimes I get abuse for it
Oh, that's one of mine too; some of the lanes around here are disgusting :grr:
I always pick up after my dog, why can't they? Gives all of us a bad name :(
I cant stand Scotish Football, whats the point in it??
If they did it would be more entertaining, but I am talking about Football played by Scotish teams. God dam awfull :S
Ah, just the team in the usual football (i assume soccer).
When it comes to that, I've come to hate our own team in it. When I was a kid, I used to watch our national team in football play against other countries, it was awesome, dad would get beer etc.
Nowadays, there's loads of corruption, our team went to dung, the supporters have a bunch of jerks in their row... Totally threw me off of football.
i too hate scottish football , well i'll rephase that i hate all football lol do not see the point in 22 men kicking a ball about a field for obseen amounts of money

My own hates are , people who scuff there feet while walking ! Lift your bloody feet !
People who burp while you're eating , it makes me physically gag
People who purpously walk 2mph in shop/shopping centre's then stop right in front of you so you walk into them , also hate people who stand smack bang in the middle of a walkway chatting , move to the side dang nammit !
i too hate unruly children , the ones who scream bloody murder cause they can't have sweets and all you hear til the leave shop is SWEEETIES ! gahh
People who come to your house and when leaving leave al their rubbish/mess at there backside

there's many more but these seem to be the one's that have affected me today haha
i too hate scottish football , well i'll rephase that i hate all football lol do not see the point in 22 men kicking a ball about a field for obseen amounts of money

My own hates are , people who scuff there feet while walking ! Lift your bloody feet !
People who burp while you're eating , it makes me physically gag
People who purpously walk 2mph in shop/shopping centre's then stop right in front of you so you walk into them , also hate people who stand smack bang in the middle of a walkway chatting , move to the side dang nammit !
i too hate unruly children , the ones who scream bloody murder cause they can't have sweets and all you hear til the leave shop is SWEEETIES ! gahh
People who come to your house and when leaving leave al their rubbish/mess at there backside

there's many more but these seem to be the one's that have affected me today haha
Not exactly a hate, but I am sooo freaking jealous of football players.
A lot of guys in the school I went to were all planning on becoming football players, because it is easy money and takes no study of maths, physics etc.
it appears my thread is doing nicely ^-^

i hate being socially awkward... a hot german girl sat down next to me and was talking to me, in english though :L i fail at languages, social awkwardness kicked in... i ended up not finding anything to say...
it appears my thread is doing nicely ^-^

i hate being socially awkward... a hot german girl sat down next to me and was talking to me, in english though :L i fail at languages, social awkwardness kicked in... i ended up not finding anything to say...
I have a lot to say, just not enough people to listen or share similar interests with. So I just keep quiet and don't talk unless asked or if a subject I am interested in is brought up.
Which makes people think I am socially awkward too, but they just don't know me enough.
it appears my thread is doing nicely ^-^

i hate being socially awkward... a hot german girl sat down next to me and was talking to me, in english though :L i fail at languages, social awkwardness kicked in... i ended up not finding anything to say...
I have a lot to say, just not enough people to listen or share similar interests with. So I just keep quiet and don't talk unless asked or if a subject I am interested in is brought up.
Which makes people think I am socially awkward too, but they just don't know me enough.

i know what you mean :L

i did see her again, and scars on her wrists :L

at that point words were found, my mind is extremely derpy, unable to work when talked to casually (albiet by a very hot girl XD) and able to work just fine when triggered by sorrow


i'm just generally derpy and awkward untill you get to know me lol
i know what you mean :L

i did see her again, and scars on her wrists :L

at that point words were found, my mind is extremely derpy, unable to work when talked to casually (albiet by a very hot girl XD) and able to work just fine when triggered by sorrow


i'm just generally derpy and awkward untill you get to know me lol
Uhh slit wrists or someone beat her?

There are few moments when I do feel awkward talking to people casually. Usually, when it's about something I hate, or when I have other things on my mind (like I just forgot something and my anxiety kicks in, and makes me start thinking back at that while trying to focus on the current convo). Or even worse, sometimes I say something, only to realize later on how wrong or awkward it sounded. And I didn't even mean stuff to sound that awkward either. o_O
I'll give an example in which I almost got a hit on the head by my mother...

She told me to bring her a flower vase so she could put some fake flowers in it. There were 2 vases, one near me, filled with some stuff, another somewhere further, also filled with stuff. I picked the one near me, and mom proceeds to go wacko on me and say that "In life, you don't get everything under your nose." (well, it's a Romanian saying that you don't get served, you have to work for stuff, but it didn't fit much in that case). In other words, she wanted that other vase, but both were the same model, same size so why would it matter?
So I decided to open my mouth... What came out was "If someone gives you something under the nose, wouldn't you take it?"
Cue mother saying I am not her daughter anymore, and that she'd crack the vase on my head, and kept telling all her relatives that I was mocking her. o_O Man, she has a dirty mind...
that made me lol XD

and slit :L
I loled at first at her reaction too, but then I thought a bit about what I just said... and then I didn't lol anymore. o_O

Darn, I kind of hate it when people resort to those gestures. -.- Or to suicide. Sure, some have some valid reasons (like they will die anyway and have no more friends and have a bad illness and lost everything...) but then you have these teenagers who just got refused by the one they loved, or got cheated on by their loved one, and then proceed to kill themselves. A cousin of mine did this, over a girl that didn't even want him to begin with. Hung himself from a walnut tree. o_O

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