Pet Hates

that made me lol XD

and slit :L
I loled at first at her reaction too, but then I thought a bit about what I just said... and then I didn't lol anymore. o_O

Darn, I kind of hate it when people resort to those gestures. -.- Or to suicide. Sure, some have some valid reasons (like they will die anyway and have no more friends and have a bad illness and lost everything...) but then you have these teenagers who just got refused by the one they loved, or got cheated on by their loved one, and then proceed to kill themselves. A cousin of mine did this, over a girl that didn't even want him to begin with. Hung himself from a walnut tree. o_O

uhm, it goes a little further than that :L quite a lot... i'll pm you
Wow... intense conversation guys.... :unsure: pretty sure you might have traumatised a few and scared the rest off :blink:

Keep the topic light for the innocents :lol:

Hmmm what else peeves me at the moment?


I know I keep saying this over and over again but I get it day in and day out!! I just dont understand!! How can people be so stupid without actually winning any Darwin awards by accidentally killing themselves with stupidity.

(If you are bored... search Darwin Awards... keeps me amused for days at a time!)

But like yesterday... had customers reading the back of bottle for dosing their pond with a treatment... the treatment specifically says how much the bottle treats, how much to treat per 500 liters... and forhow many days to treat it...

The idiot got really angry with me because he didnt know how many liters his pond was, ok so not so unusual but.... i offered to work it out at least roughly if he could just give me idea of measurements...

He got really angry with me! "I just want to treat my fish! I dont want you giving me the third degree like i dont know what im talking about... all i want to do is treat my pond for parasites (he'd already clearly described the ulcers his fish had...) and i shouldnt have to do all this maths!"

Apparently asking him if he had kids and when he said yes... asking him if he gave them an entire bottle of medication when they were sick or followed the instructions and measured it out was "out of order". :rolleyes: i honestly didnt know hoow else to explain it.

Three phone calls and an hour in the shop and we were no closer. In the end i sent him away with the weakest treatment i could find and i think his pond was about 2-3 thousand liters and gave him a bottle that treats half that because i just *know* he had every intention of ignoring the dose over 5 days (and other bottles would do his pond 2-3 courses of 5 days) and was going to pour the whole lot in. Can only pray it doesnt kill all his fish :no:

I dont understand peoples stupidity in asking for "seaweed for their goldfish" it now winds me up so much that i go pick up a packof dried seaweed and stand there staring blankly until they tell me what they really want. I know perfectly well they just want some Elodea but for gods sake im getting to a point where i want to attack people with the bunch of elodea and hammer the name home! #138## seaweedmy backside.

Or sea snails... why the heck is every snail a sea snail? We dont even have marines... when we did.. people didnt even understand what the word marine meant,... couldnt understand that marine = salt.... people keep telling me they have seaweed andsea snails in with their goldfish and then they wonder why i just mentally shut down or pass them onto another member of staff before i get really wound up!

Jeez people are stupid!
Wow... intense conversation guys.... :unsure: pretty sure you might have traumatised a few and scared the rest off :blink:

Keep the topic light for the innocents :lol:

Hmmm what else peeves me at the moment?


I know I keep saying this over and over again but I get it day in and day out!! I just dont understand!! How can people be so stupid without actually winning any Darwin awards by accidentally killing themselves with stupidity.

(If you are bored... search Darwin Awards... keeps me amused for days at a time!)

But like yesterday... had customers reading the back of bottle for dosing their pond with a treatment... the treatment specifically says how much the bottle treats, how much to treat per 500 liters... and forhow many days to treat it...

The idiot got really angry with me because he didnt know how many liters his pond was, ok so not so unusual but.... i offered to work it out at least roughly if he could just give me idea of measurements...

He got really angry with me! "I just want to treat my fish! I dont want you giving me the third degree like i dont know what im talking about... all i want to do is treat my pond for parasites (he'd already clearly described the ulcers his fish had...) and i shouldnt have to do all this maths!"

Apparently asking him if he had kids and when he said yes... asking him if he gave them an entire bottle of medication when they were sick or followed the instructions and measured it out was "out of order". :rolleyes: i honestly didnt know hoow else to explain it.

Three phone calls and an hour in the shop and we were no closer. In the end i sent him away with the weakest treatment i could find and i think his pond was about 2-3 thousand liters and gave him a bottle that treats half that because i just *know* he had every intention of ignoring the dose over 5 days (and other bottles would do his pond 2-3 courses of 5 days) and was going to pour the whole lot in. Can only pray it doesnt kill all his fish :no:

I dont understand peoples stupidity in asking for "seaweed for their goldfish" it now winds me up so much that i go pick up a packof dried seaweed and stand there staring blankly until they tell me what they really want. I know perfectly well they just want some Elodea but for gods sake im getting to a point where i want to attack people with the bunch of elodea and hammer the name home! #138## seaweedmy backside.

Or sea snails... why the heck is every snail a sea snail? We dont even have marines... when we did.. people didnt even understand what the word marine meant,... couldnt understand that marine = salt.... people keep telling me they have seaweed andsea snails in with their goldfish and then they wonder why i just mentally shut down or pass them onto another member of staff before i get really wound up!

Jeez people are stupid!
LOL! Now that is some epic rant! And indeed, stupidity can be annoying, but sometimes entertaining. Well... at least it makes for good stories.
I have my moments of stupidity too sometimes. So bad that it makes people face-palm.
Pet Hates....people who are against everything. Everyone knows the type, they complain about everything and find the bad in everything. There is always a reason why they can't go do this or that, or why this is something they are not interested in. It's like sweet lordy, quit complaing all the time and enjoy life.

**Didn't realize that was a blocked word, sorry mods
Pet Hates....people who are against everything. Everyone knows the type, they complain about everything and find the bad in everything. There is always a reason why they can't go do this or that, or why this is something they are not interested in. It's like sweet lordy, quit complaing all the time and enjoy life.

**Didn't realize that was a blocked word, sorry mods
That's me. Lol. I can't help it, I have the urge to complain about stuff quite often.
I want to come to Mbou's fish shop and talk sensibly to her just to give her some light relief!

Other things that wind me up, on the stupidity topic (sure I mentioned this already in the rant thread but what the hell):

Patient: "Do I have to take my watch off for this x-ray?"
Me: "No."
Patient: *takes watch off*
Me: *despair*

And it's ALWAYS watches. They're quite happy to leave money, keys, mobile phones and all sorts of other metallic junk in their pockets, but for some reason their watch HAS to come off!
I'm telling you guys now - if you go for medical imaging, the only things you need to take your watch off for are an MRI scan and a wrist x-ray (if the watch is on the affected wrist). Grrrr!

One day when a patient takes their watch off after me telling them they don't have to, I'm going to smash it into bits in front of them and say "I told you not to take it off..." ;)
I want to come to Mbou's fish shop and talk sensibly to her just to give her some light relief!

Other things that wind me up, on the stupidity topic (sure I mentioned this already in the rant thread but what the hell):

Patient: "Do I have to take my watch off for this x-ray?"
Me: "No."
Patient: *takes watch off*
Me: *despair*

And it's ALWAYS watches. They're quite happy to leave money, keys, mobile phones and all sorts of other metallic junk in their pockets, but for some reason their watch HAS to come off!
I'm telling you guys now - if you go for medical imaging, the only things you need to take your watch off for are an MRI scan and a wrist x-ray (if the watch is on the affected wrist). Grrrr!

One day when a patient takes their watch off after me telling them they don't have to, I'm going to smash it into bits in front of them and say "I told you not to take it off..." ;)
LMAO! I remember that one from the rant thread.
I want to come to Mbou's fish shop and talk sensibly to her just to give her some light relief!

Other things that wind me up, on the stupidity topic (sure I mentioned this already in the rant thread but what the hell):

Patient: "Do I have to take my watch off for this x-ray?"
Me: "No."
Patient: *takes watch off*
Me: *despair*

And it's ALWAYS watches. They're quite happy to leave money, keys, mobile phones and all sorts of other metallic junk in their pockets, but for some reason their watch HAS to come off!
I'm telling you guys now - if you go for medical imaging, the only things you need to take your watch off for are an MRI scan and a wrist x-ray (if the watch is on the affected wrist). Grrrr!

One day when a patient takes their watch off after me telling them they don't have to, I'm going to smash it into bits in front of them and say "I told you not to take it off..." ;)
I understand your pain

Me: I'm sorry Dr. we are going to need another recollect on this sample. The blood is hemolyzed again.
Dr.Dum: I just don't understand this. Why are these samples constantly hemolyzed when there are anti-coagulants in the tubes??
Apples that have went soft. Just HAND SELECTED an apple from the super market for a we snack, got outside, bit into it..... And it feels like a pear... Yuk

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