hi, i've got some more pics of how it looks now. well, quite a lot of pics...
Full tank shot.
Hygrophila on the left is growing quite well.
Attaching the Monoselium tenerum to the lava rock failed, as the SAE's pulled it off within a few days.
The Limnophila sessiliflora is really taking off, it's grown about 3" in a week.
The Hygrophila in the middle is also growing well.
the Anubias is growing at a rate of about 1 leaf per week.
The Limnophila sessiliflora is appearing from behind the bogwood.
The amazon sword is getting really big now.
I'm getting a lot of babies on the java fern, so i can take some of the plantlets off soon, and grow them on something else.
My new amazon frogbit is growing well, and growing a new leaf every couple of days.
Are the new leaves on the Hygrophila supposed to look like this? it's just that they look a bit strange.
what do you think? i'm hoping that all of the tall plants will spread to the top at the back and hide the filter pipes. i'm unsure as to whether i should get another stem plant or not. are there any red stems that i could grow to add a bit of colour? i'm still considering getting an Echinodorus ozelot and a carpet of Eleocharis acicularis or parvula. other than that, i'm just waiting for everything to fill out.