Perhaps A Change In The Sig Rules

I don't get the egg thing, what is it for and what does it do? nothing.

Though I suspect I am a rule breaker with two lines of text too.
Oh and those crummy pet deals, the ones that are just flash aps that bat at your mouse as you move it across, gah those things bug me to no end.
Yep and all the while the hapless pet owner is petting their cyber-pet, the site is installing spyware and tracking cookies in the background.
I'm probably breaking the sig rules too.
And SirMinion, i love your avatar heading
I really wouldn't worry about your sig, we're not going to be going after things like that when we've got this sort of mickey-taking to deal with:

I think it's things like that we need to worry about.

Not anything else. Sure, my sig could be breaking the rules (by a bit), but come one, it's not big, not a big deal either.
well you know, if the rules are changed to a state that allows your signature but disallows signatures like that then it wouldn't be anything that anyone would worry about.

Not to make this about politics, because I don't want this thread closed, but from what I can see happening around me (on the city and state levels) its a really bad idea to have laws on the books that are applied only subjectively, its a step towards corruption and inefficiency, not that the mods will be corrupted by there powers, but one must plan for the future as well as the present, right?
I'm probably breaking the sig rules too.
And SirMinion, i love your avatar heading
I really wouldn't worry about your sig, we're not going to be going after things like that when we've got this sort of mickey-taking to deal with:


OR this:


MY PLATIES ARE PLOTTING TO KILL ME. Its the evil look in their eyes.....

quit the paddy irishman jokes ............... call the man patrick


it takes up half the darn page, why is all of that necessary? I DONT CARE HOW OLD THE BLASTED FRY ARE!!
You know, ticker images are 420 px wide, that means that all of them are in violation, they are already banned.

I came across someone with 11 of those egg thingies and I pmed them and they were kind enough to cut it down to 4, but a good 3/4ths of the pM's I send out about signatures are ignored because I'm not a mod and people are impolite. Grrarr!
I came across someone with 11 of those egg thingies and I pmed them and they were kind enough to cut it down to 4, but a good 3/4ths of the pM's I send out about signatures are ignored because I'm not a mod and people are impolite. Grrarr!

You are welcome to PM me with the names of transgressors and I can then sort them out. *prepares baseball bat*

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