Panda Fry Log

:wub: They are too cute!! My little guy loves the pics :lol:
Love them!
more wee fry took last night

Heres the 2 babes in the main tank in the same shot :lol:
Looking good!

I'm glad to see you use the camera again!!! :lol: I'm thinking of adding to my panda numbers soon... $7 a pop is a lot though. Maybe I'll just get a few more and try to breed them to increase the numbers further. :D
Thanks :)

I'm always using the camera eagle :rolleyes: :lol: ,yeah go get some more,my 9 adults are alway zooming around,they're so amusing to watch,more the merrier,even the 2 babes in there and starting to join them now :lol:
Update time :)

This morning i rearranged the fry tanks and put 2 more older pandas into the grow out tank,i didn't think they looked that big,but they look bigger since adding them :rolleyes: :lol:

Heres some pics
The newest juvi's :wub:

Theres around 12 babes still in the fry side,heres a few

My no 3 babe(has i call it :lol: )
Aw wow! they are amazing! your tanks make me so jealous! i so want to have pandas. Your doing an amazing job, and im loving reading your logs.
Thanks James ^_^

Considering at one point i couldn't raise pandas at all past the 3 week stage,(even though i was raising loads of albino & bronze babes at the same time),and now i have 5 pandas babes thats aged between 3-4 months dozen other fry which hopefully will make it too :D
I know its only been a few days since last pics,but couldn't resist adding more :rolleyes: :lol:

2 eldest panda youngsters in the main tank,aged around 4 months...

3 other panda babes in grow out tank with bandit corys

some of the wee panda fry growing nicely...

You do great with the Pandas. My Pandas have always been quite shy. I started with 6 and am down to 3 as of a few days ago. I've hardly lost any fish, but they seem to give me fits and do their best to stay out of sight all day, even when there were 6. I think I'm going to rehome them and just up my number of Peppereds and Aeneus. Jealous of your skills!
You do great with the Pandas. My Pandas have always been quite shy. I started with 6 and am down to 3 as of a few days ago. I've hardly lost any fish, but they seem to give me fits and do their best to stay out of sight all day, even when there were 6. I think I'm going to rehome them and just up my number of Peppereds and Aeneus. Jealous of your skills!

I'm jealous too! I won't even attempt them for a long while. I just got 3 longfin pepper cories that had been surrendered to the LFS, and within 48 hours all were dead.
They're just about my favorite kind ATM.

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