Panda Fry Log

Sounds like you got your hands full Tizer :lol:

I can tell the different between some of mine- gold strip(orange eggs),albinos(creamy eggs) & panda eggs(larger than the others and turn black near hatching on the 5th day)tri's (creamy colour turning beige near hatching) :)
Added my eldest panda who was a solo egg i saved around 4 weeks ago to the fry tank,its large enough not to get eaten by the bronze juvis :)

And at the mo its having fun miggling with the older bronzes... :rolleyes:
scraped another 80 eggs of the back of my tank tonight, i noticed 2 peppered corys going a little bananas before lights out, im wondering if they are trying for the first time. The eggs seem quite light and im not sure they have been fertilised. However, some did seem darker. Partly wish i hadnt put 20 tigers in my spare 90 litre, it would be nice to have a mature filter on a tank fry this time around. Just have to see how they get on in a small net.

ive got a 12x8x8 clearseal tank i could chuck a sponge filter in, but its not matured :|
Here's my wee eldest panda fry hanging out with the older bronze's,its around 6 weeks old now,after giving the fry tank a quick go over,it appears the smallest fry have disappeared(more than likely been munched by the bronze...,from 17 down to around 9 but they are still doing ok :)

Plus the pandas did spawn again,i saved 2 eggs which hatched a few days ago,then on cleaning the main tank today i found 4 more,so removed them for their own safety :rolleyes:

And albino eggs hatched today :lol:
You do really well with the Cories. You do anything special to trigger a spawn? What's your pH? I've read that cool water changes and softer water promotes the spawn, but I haven't tried, nor do I want to start trying to lower my pH chemically. I have 7 peppereds and 4 pandas - had a big female Peppered whom was laying eggs here and there but I dont think they were being fertilized, and then I believe she was terrorized to death by the males.
They tend to spawn when it takes their fancy me thinks :rolleyes: ,because it doesn't always correspond with the weekly waterchages,my ph is 7.8-8 and i have hard water...

They do have a good varied diet,and i have had success with separating trio's into my separate 10 gals in the past,feed bloodworm within 24hrs they've all spawned :rolleyes: ,that was with my golds,albinos & pygmys :)

Now the albinos & pandas tend to be the egg layers in the main tank,the tris hide their eggs really well,so unless i hunt through the tank daily i probably wont find any...

But yes i found cold water changes and feeding them bloodworm can spur them into breeding :good:
Yesterday i took pot luck and added the 2 eldest panda fry to the main tank,one is nearly 6 weeks old the other 7 wks old,they're plenty big enough not to get eaten,but still tiny compared to the adults.

I spotted the eldest quite merrily dancing around the glass at 6am this morning,but was getting worried i hadn't spotted the younger one,by 2pm i still hadn't see it,so thinking it may have died,then suddenly the wee fry swam out from under the bogwood.bless!
Well update time,the 2 wee fry are still alive & seem to be doing ok in the main tank,and i'm sure the eldest has had a growth spurt :lol:

The other panda fry -maybe around 6 are still in the fry tank,still a bit weeny to go in with the big uns.
Congrats on successfully moving two over to the main tank.

I'm feeling a bit proud today myself! I just found 3 eggs stuck on to the anacharis in the front of my tank. The eggs look whitish. I'll keep an eye on them to see if they change color at all and appear to be fertilized. I doubt they are, but just the fact that my cories are laying eggs makes me happy as anything and indicates to me that they are quite pleased with their new home. :D I'd love my pandas to breed and add to their numbers. I only have 6 and I would love to have about 12 eventually. We shall see.
Thanks :)

I still them flitting around :good:
Here's one of them with a Tri :)

Eagle - Have you saved the eggs?(if left,they will get munched),they always look whitish when first laid,then they gradually go darker,eventually quite black looking when they're due to hatch.Mine usually take 5 days. :good:

Good news on yours though,they're obviously happy :nod:

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